Arshad Mehmood Khan, Secretary Ishaat, Glasgow
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Glasgow organised a virtual tabligh event on the subject of “Women’s rights in Islam”, on 3 October 2021.
The event was held on Zoom and streamed live on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, along with social media campaigns.
Rt Hon Margaret Ferrier MP, Member of Parliament for Rutherglen and Hamilton West addressed the conference and said:
“It is vital to raise our voice concerning women’s rights, not only in Islam but in the modern time where we live now. We condemn the recent incidents of the murder of Sarah Everard and Sabina Nessa.
“I was much obliged to attend the Jalsa UK a few years ago and learnt so much about the rights of women in Islam from His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad in his address to the ladies. The Ahmadiyya Community always tries to bring all faith, race and communities together to discuss many topics like today, which helps create a tolerant society.”
Hon Jackie Baillie MSP, member of Scottish Parliament for Dumbarton attended our event for the first time and expressed how pleased she was hearing our point of view towards the rights of women.
During the event, a short video was shown in which the concept of hijab (veil) was explained by Lajna Imaillah.
In addition, a short video was played, in which an Ahmadi woman spoke about segregation and how this concept is beneficial for every woman.
The concluding address was delivered by Dr Zahid Khan Sahib, Chairman Qaza Board UK, in which he presented a slideshow covering topics like the hijab, polygamy, the age of Hazrat Aishara at the time of her marriage, segregation, the role of women in a modern society, right of women to seek education, inheritance, acquiring a job and women looking after their families, to mention a few.
Finally, an interesting question and answer session was held, where questions regarding the status of women and their rights in Islam were asked by the audience and answered by the missionary, Rawahuddin Arif Khan Sahib and Dr Zahid Khan Sahib.
The programme can be viewed at: