Muhammad Jamal, Niger Correspondent
On 7 July 2021, Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Niger, Asad Majeeb Sahib, along with Sadr Majlis Ansarullah Niger, Mahamane Bello Abdoulaye Sahib, had a meeting with Minister of Urban Development, Maizoumbou Laoual Amadou.
During the meeting, the honourable minister was given an introduction to the Promised Messiahas, the need for the Imam in this era and the system of Khilafat. Moreover, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya’s efforts for the establishment of world peace were also discussed.
Later, Amir Jamaat Niger presented him the Holy Quran with French translation, The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam and World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace for better comprehension of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya and its teachings.
The honourable minister was then informed about the plan for establishing a centre for Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Niger in the capital, Niamey, and that we needed at least 6,000 square meters of land for this purpose. He was also shown pictures of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya’s headquarters in neighbouring countries.
The honourable minister assured every possible cooperation in this regard and promised to find a suitable land for the Jamaat and expressed the wish to bond a strong relationship with the Jamaat.
The meeting lasted for about 45 minutes and was very successful, alhamdulillah.