Syed Mukarram Nazeer, Canada Correspondent
Canada Day celebrates the anniversary of the formation of the Canadian confederation, which took place on 1 July 1867. On this day, three colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick united into a single Dominion named Canada, within the British Empire. Originally named Dominion Day, the day was renamed Canada Day in 1982.
Traditionally, Canada Day is celebrated with patriotic zeal across Canada. Celebratory ceremonies are held all day long. The largest event of such kind is held in the national capital Ottawa, where Governor General of Canada, and Prime Minister of Canada address the attendees. For the second year in a row, these celebrations have been subdued due to the Covid-19 restrictions.
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Canada celebrates Canada Day with full patriotic zeal. Virtual events were held in all major Jamaats across Canada including Brampton, Calgary, Edmonton, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Saskatoon, Toronto, Vancouver, Vaughan and Winnipeg. Local dignitaries including councillors, mayors, MPPs (Member Provincial Parliament), MPs (Member Federal Parliament), provincial ministers, federal ministers, the head of police, attended and delivered their messages.
One such event was held in Toronto West Imarat. The event was presided by the local Amir Toronto West Imarat, Syed Tariq Ahmad Sahib. The ceremony commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by its English translation. The Canadian national anthem was recited by young children. This was followed by two speeches. The first one was by a missionary, Umran Bhatti Sahib on “Loyalty to the country is part of our faith”. He stressed that Canada is still in the making and assured fellow Canadians that Ahmadis will be the chips and blocks with which this fortress and citadel of security and goodwill will be built.

The second one was by Naib Amir Toronto West Imarat, Brig Abdul Ghafoor Ehsan Sahib, on “Importance of Canada Day and our responsibilities”. He thanked God for making Canada our home, a country that is developed, peaceful and rich. It offers free education and medical aid to its residents. More importantly, it provides freedom of expression. Then he presented some excerpts of Khulafa-e-Ahmadiyyat.
He was followed by various local dignitaries who joined the event and delivered brief messages.
At the end, a short video was shown, which was prepared by Lajna Imaillah, showing young children offering Canada Day congratulatory remarks.