Tahir Ahmad Machengo, Kenya Correspondent
Amir and Missionary-in-charge Kenya, Tariq Mahmood Zafar Sahib visited Eldoro Jamaat in Taveta region of Kenya on 21 February 2021, for laying the foundation of a new mosque.
There was a need for a larger mosque as Ahmadi members have increased in the area. The first brick was laid by Amir Sahib and then regional missionaries, presidents of local Jamaats, office-bearers of Majlis Ansarullah, Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya and Atfal, after which members of the Eldoro, Kitobo and Kitoghoto Jamaats followed suit.
This was a great achievement because it is exactly 50 years after the first mosque ever was built in the area, in 1971, when pioneer Ahmadis constructed the mosque through waqar-e-amal.
Since then, it has served as a source of tarbiyatnot only for the then pioneer Ahmadi Muslims but for the present generation as well and has become a means of tabligh in the area.
The stone laying ceremony started and ended with dua, led by Amir Sahib.
May Allah bless the contributions of members of the Jamaat, make their efforts fruitful, accept their sacrifices, bless their children and future generations and instil in them the spirit of true sacrifices towards the progress of the Jamaat. Amin.