Syed Shamshad Nasir, Missionary, USA
Muhammad Ahmad Sahib of Detroit reports that the Detroit and Dayton Jamaats celebrated Musleh-e-Maud Day on 21 February 2021. The Musleh-e-Maud Day event was held virtually due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions on gatherings.
The formal programme started with a recitation from the Holy Quran with translation. Following this, a poem from Kalam-e-Mahmud was recited.
Sadr Jamaat, Maqbool Tahir Sahib welcomed and thanked members of the Jamaat for joining the programme. Describing the background and significance of the Musleh-e-Maud Day, Sadr Sahib said:
“Today’s celebrations are not birthday celebrations; rather, we are here to celebrate the fulfilment of the Promised Messiah’sas grand prophecy regarding the Promised Reformer and a Promised son that was fulfilled in the person of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra, Khalifatul Masih II.”
Following this, Sadr Jamaat invited Mutaher Ahmad Sahib for his speech titled Prophecy Personified in Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra.
Naeem Lughmani Sahib then presented a speech on the topic of Establishment of the Nizam-e-Jamaat in which he elaborated the purpose and importance of nizam-e-Jamaat (organisational and administrative structure of the community) that was developed by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra.
Sadr Sahib then invited Hajra Ahmad Sahiba to recite a poem from Kalam-e-Mahmud.
Abdul Shukoor Sahib then presented his speech on the topic of A Message of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra to US Jamaat.
Usman Mangla Sahib led an interesting quiz session using Kahoot in which members participated and answered questions. Young members particularly participated in the quiz where questions regarding the life of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra were covered.
Nasir Bukhari Sahib spoke on the topic of Strengthening of the Institution of Khilafat.
The concluding remarks were presented by Shamshad Nasir Sahib. He started by thanking all the presenters that may Allah bless all for their hard work and excellent presentations. He then presented some of the incidents that took place during the life of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra that showed his love with Allah, the Holy Prophetsa, the nizam-e-Jamaat, and the tarbiyat of the Jamaat members.
More than 400 members from 130 families joined the programme.