This year’s Jalsa Salana saw representatives from 37 countries with a representative from China attending for the first time, and a total of 9,960 participants.
The proceedings were broadcast live via web-stream on While thousands attended the Jalsa in person, thousands were able to watch and benefit from the blessings of this Jalsa all around the world.
The Jalsa Salana opened with the flag hoisting ceremony with Sahibzada Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad Sahib, Amir Jamaat USA hoisting the Liwa-i-Ahmadiyyat [Flag of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya] which was followed by the Friday prayers.
The first session started at around 4:30pm with the recitation of the Holy Quran and opening remarks by Amir Sahib USA. The three speakers of this first session were Nasirullah Ahmad Sahib, Faran Rabbani Sahib and Bilal Rana Sahib who spoke on the topics of The Omniscient God, Congregational Prayers as a Road to Success and Technology as a Means to Stay Connected respectively.
Day two started with congregational Tahajjud and Fajr prayers and Dars of the Holy Quran. The proceedings of the second day were split into two sessions; one in the morning and another in the afternoon. Speeches in the morning session were on the topics of Companions of the Promised Messiahas, Successful Marriage, Avoiding the Lure of Lust and on Hazrat Imam Hussainra delivered by Sohail Ahmad Sahib, Basiyr Rodney Sahib, Mansoor Qureshi Sahib and Ahsan Mahmood Khan Sahib in respective order.
After a break for Zuhr and Asr prayers followed by lunch, the second session commenced at 4 o’clock where, after recitation of verses of the Holy Quran, Abdullah Dibbah Sahib addressed the attendees on the topic of Justice: The Foundation of Everlasting Peace. This was followed by short speeches given by guests and dignitaries attending the Jalsa. The day came to a close with the Maghrib and Isha prayers.
Tahajjud, Fajr prayers and Dars from Hadith set the course of day three in motion, and the morning session, which also served as the closing session, commenced at 10:30am where the Alam-i-Inami was presented to New York Queens Qiadat. Ahmadis living in the USA who had achieved excellence in educational pursuits were awarded prizes by the USA Jamaat.
Speeches in this concluding session were delivered by Ahmad Mubarak Sahib, Faheem Younus Qureshi Sahib and Azhar Hanif Sahib on Obedience of Khilafat, Ahmadiyya: A Seed Sown by Allah and Financial Sacrifice respectively.
Sahibzada Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad Sahib, Amir Jamaat USA addressed the audience on the topic of Zikr-e-Habib – a theme historically dedicated to the faith inspiring life and character of the Promised Messiahas at the occasion of Jalsa Salama. Amir Sahib USA, with his concluding remarks and leading the assembly in silent prayer, officially closed the proceedings of the Jalsa Salana USA.
As per tradition of the Jamaat, members of Lajna Imaillah spoke to the ladies in their Jalsa Gah on important topics like Repentance, Dedication to Allah, Sacrifices, The Muslim-American Identity and Islam and Social Justice. Talent awards and educational awards to Ahmadi women living in the USA were awarded during the second day’s morning session.
Recorded proceedings of Jalsa Salana USA 2018 can be accessed at