Humanity First distributes meat to families in Albania


Samad Ahmed Ghori, Missionary & President Jamaat Albania

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Humanity First, this year, distributed meat that was slaughtered and purchased for Eid-ul-Adha between 140 needy families in Tirana and its surroundings. To accomplish the humanitarian project in the best way possible, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat of Albania contacted the municipality unit of Farkë to gather 100 families in need, who, according to the list of this unit, receive economic assistance due to difficult economic conditions.

Ardian Tufa, the administrator of the municipality of Farkë immediately responded to the call of the Jamaat and on the morning of 13 August, the third day of Eid-ul-Adha, gathered 100 needy families in the yard of this unit. 450 kilograms of meat was brought in a mobile refrigerator for distribution. Among the attendees to distribute the meat were Mr Ardian Tufa (the unit administrator), Mr Samad Ahmed Ghori President of Albania Jamaat, Mr Bujar Ramaj, Mr Ervin Xhepa and Mr Hajdar Aliu. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat express gratitude to the families who came and accepted this small contribution, as well as to the administrator of the Farkë municipality and its structure for cooperation.

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In addition to these 100 families, the Jamaat distributed meat among 40 other needy families living around the Jamaat’s mosque. In his letter of thanks, Mr Ardian Tufa wrote:

“In the name of the administrative unit Farkë, municipality of Tirana, from the core of my heart, I thank the humanitarian organisation Humanity First and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat of Albania for extending their help among 100 needy families of the capital city, after many such humanitarian activities were rendered by them in the Tirana city.

“Your motto, ‘Love for all, hatred for none’ is an inspiration to all of us.

“I hope and wish that these humanitarian gestures will continue in the future also.

“Thank you very much!”

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