Jinahuddin Saif, Missionary and President AMJ Kosovo
On Sunday, 16 June 2019, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kosovo held its 9th Jalsa Salana in its capital city, Prishtina.
Kosovo is a self-declared independent country in the Balkans region of Europe and the United States of America and most members of the European Union (EU) recognised Kosovo’s declaration of independence from Serbia in 2008. Kosovo has an estimated population of around 2 million.
In Kosovo there are three main religions – Islam, Orthodoxy and Catholicism. Muslims fill the majority with 95.6%. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat officially settled in Kosovo in 2001 with a total of 200 local members.
This year, for Jalsa Salana, 138 men and 80 women attended, along with 218 guests. Among the participants were guests that had travelled from all over Kosovo, guests from neighbouring Albania, guests from Macedonia and the UK. Representatives also attended from Germany.
The speeches delivered at Jalsa Salana were well-prepared and subjects were explained in an apt manner.
These speeches included Gratitude to Our Allah by Bujar Ramaj Sahib of Albania; Love for the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa by His Great Servant the Promised Messiahas delivered by Alban Zeqiraj Sahib of Kosovo; The Right Path for Real Happiness by Muhamet Peci, Vice President Jamaat Kosovo and Islam and the Digital Epoch by Valdon Mustafa Sahib of Kosovo.
Similarly, Javaid Iqbal Nasir, Missionary Jamaat Germany, delivered the inaugural speech about the establishment of global unity through Khilafat.
Javaid Iqbal Nasir was the first missionary of Jamaat Kosovo in 2001 along with Musa Rrustemi, ex-President of Jamaat Kosovo who passed away some years ago.