Bekim Bici
MKA Albania
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaats of Kosovo and Albania had their 6th Annual Ijtema of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya on 23-24 June in Tirana, Albania. This activity has become an annual practice which aims to encourage Khuddam to compete in good deeds.
With about 50 participants in total, 40 took part in the academic and sports competitions, implementing the command of Allah Almighty:
“And everyone has a goal which dominates him; vie, then, with one another in good works.” (The Holy Quran Ch.2: V.149)

The activity began under the chairmanship of Jinahuddin Saif Sahib, President Jamaat Kosovo with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by Albanian translation. This was followed by a speech by Samad Ahmed Ghori, Sadr Jamaat Albania, who spoke about the above-mentioned verse of the Holy Quran and aims of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya.
The next part of the programme was sports competitions such as, volleyball, tug of war and table tennis.
Following the program, the prayers of Maghrib and Isha were followed, while the first day ended with one of the main competitions – the quiz, with questions about religious knowledge and key events listed during 2017.

The second day of activities began with Fajr prayer. Meanwhile, at around 7:30pm, members had their breakfast and set off for the sports fields where the football championship match was held. After the championship, the Jamaat’s youth offered Zuhr and Asr prayer, after which they were served lunch.
Prize distribution ceremony was held thereafter, in which prizes were given to the best performances for all competitions held. A few consolation prizes were also given.
The event was closed by the speech of Bujar Ramaj sahib, Vice President of Albania Jamaat, who gave some valuable advice in the light of the teachings of the Holy Quran, from the life of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, and the Promised Messiah, peace be on him. He also spoke about the difficult days in which the Albanian society, in general, and the Muslim Ummah, in particular, are going through, and that the key to overcome these difficulties is to join the Jamaat founded by God through the Imam Mahdi and Promised Messiahas and to obey the guidance of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. This concluding speech was accompanied by a silent prayer.