Laiq Ahmed Atif, President Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiya Malta held its 4th Jalsa Salana at the Gonzi Hall, Catholic Institute, Floriana, on 30 October 2022. The Jalsa was held in two sessions. The first session was purely for the local jamaat members and the second session was attended by external guests from all walks of life and communities.

The theme of this year’s Jalsa was “Khilafat, Nizam and Obedience”.
The first session started with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a poem.
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta was blessed to receive a special message from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, which was read out with its Urdu translation.
This was followed by three speeches on “Prayer: Our identity and hallmark”, “The importance and blessings of financial sacrifices”, “Tabligh: A collective responsibility”, and “Modern societies and means of training”.
After this, a poem was recited, followed by a speech about “The life and character of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa”.
The concluding speech of the first session was delivered by my humble self, on the theme of this year’s Jalsa “Khilafat, Nizam and Obedience”. This was followed by Zuhr and Asr prayers.

The second session of the Jalsa Salana was held on the theme, “Together for Peace.” The session started with a recitation from the Holy Quran with its English translation. Jaree Ullah Khalid Sahib moderated the session and also highlighted the purpose of the Jalsa Salana.
Ms Mary Gauci, President of Happy Parenting Malta, highlighted the importance of peace within families and also presented three key words to ponder: “me”, “memory” and “meaning”.
Ms Umayma Elamin Amer, President of the Migrant Women Association of Malta, highlighted the importance of peacebuilding within communities.
Mr Bryan Corlett, President of the Universal Peace Federation of Malta, said that if we truly want peace then we must remember that, “peace starts with me.”
Reverend Alfred Vella, a Catholic Priest and the Head of the Marriage Office Archdiocese of Malta, highlighted the importance of interfaith peace and particularly peace between Muslims and Christians and said that peace was possible.
The concluding speech was delivered by my humble self on the topic of “The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and world peace”.
The session concluded with silent prayer. Over 60 participants, including 31 guests from different walks of life, attended this Jalsa.