Nassar Ahmad, Mauvin Sadr, Ijtema Secretary

Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK held its 47th National Ijtema on 6,7 and 8 September in Country Market, Kingsley, Hampshire. The total attendance of Khuddam and Atfal reached 6,192.
The Ijtema was blessed with the arrival of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa on the third day for the flag hoisting ceremony, group pictures and concluding session.
The objective of the Ijtema was for Khuddam and Atfal from across the country to come together and increase their spirituality, moral standards and learning. It also aims to promote a spirit of peace, brotherhood and unity.
During the Ijtema the youth vie with one another in academics and sports competitions and so the Ijtema serves many purposes: a spiritual purpose, recreational purpose, physical purpose and social purpose.
Planning and preparation for the Ijtema begins from the start of the Khuddam year in November. One of the first tasks is to finalise the theme of the Ijtema. This year, the theme of the Ijtema given to us by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa was “The Existence of Allah”, a theme that was followed in all our local and regional Ijtemas.
A large portion of the programme is geared around the theme so that Khuddam and Atfal are able to increase their understanding and knowledge.
This year, the Ijtema was held at the same site as last year: The Country Market in Kingsley, Hampshire. This is approximately a 55-acre site and is built from the ground up, using temporary structures.
One feature this year was that the site team comprised of young professional Khuddam, who dedicated a great deal of time in putting the site layout together.
The Ijtema began with the Friday Sermon. Alhamdolillah, this year, Khuddam and Atfal were able to offer Jumuah prayers behind Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa in Masjid Mubarak, Islamabad.
The opening session of the Ijtema was chaired by Amir Jamaat UK, Rafiq Hayat Sahib. Amir Sahib addressed Khuddam and Atfal, where he outlined the significance of the theme and narrated some faith-inspiring incidents. This was followed by silent prayer.

After this, Khuddam and Atfal dispersed to take part in the various competitions and activities on offer at the Ijtema.
Some of the competitions included recitation of the Holy Quran, hifz-e-Quran, memorisation of prayers, hifz-e-hadith, Azan, nazm, speeches, team quiz and presentation competition.
Some of the sports competitions included football, volleyball, tug-of-war, strongman, weightlifting, indoor cricket and athletics.

Special activities at this year’s Ijtema included “Why I believe in God” video competition, tabligh exhibition, new Ahmadis academic competitions, Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya exhibition on the existence of Allah, the Armed Forces and Royal Navy exhibitions, MTA, Al Fazl, Al Hakam, Al Taqwa and The Review of Religions exhibitions, physical fitness challenges in The Hub, tarbiyat marquee, arrangements for Khuddam and Atfal with special needs, Khuddam and Atfal “Letters to Huzoor” section, Atfal “Masterchef” competition and under-7s competitions.
Sadr Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK, Abdul Quddus Arif Sahib addressed all Khuddam and Atfal on the second day of the Ijtema. Sadr Sahib spoke about the existence of Allah from a variety of angles, including some really faith-inspiring incidents from Khuddam in the UK that proved the existence of God.
His speech was accompanied by a visual presentation on the large screen within the Ijtema marquee.
A special event this year was a sitting with former Sadr Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Sahibzada Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib. This was held on Saturday evening, after the Maghrib and Isha prayers and was enjoyed by all present. Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib narrated various incidents and insights into the life of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa and answered a variety of questions put forward by Khuddam and Atfal. The event was held in a relaxed atmosphere and was much enjoyed by all.
The highlight of the Ijtema was the arrival of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa on the third day. The flag hoisting ceremony was done by Huzooraa followed by Huzooraa leading the congregation in silent prayer. He then led the congregation in Zuhr and Asr prayers in the main Ijtema marquee.
Later, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa awarded the Alam-e-Inami awards to various Khuddam chapters and then addressed the Khuddam and Atfal with extremely profound words.
Huzooraa highlighted the responsibilities of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya in light of its motto, “Nations cannot be reformed without the reformation of the youth.”
This year, those who had participated in the Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Holy Quran completion challenge during Ramadan were blessed with a group photo with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa.
Those who had won first prizes in academic or sports competitions were also blessed with a group photo with Huzooraa.