Malik Imran Ahmad
National General Secretary AMJ Australia
The 34th Jalsa Salana Australia was held on 19-21 April at Masjid Baitul Huda, Sydney.

Jalsa Salana commenced shortly after Jumuah prayers on Friday with the flag hoisting ceremony. Inam-ul-Haq Kauser Sahib, Amir Jamaat Australia hoisted Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat and Nasir Kahlon Sahib, Naib Amir Jamaat Australia hoisted the Australian flag, which was gifted to the Jamaat by Federal Member of Parliament Hon Scott Buchholz, when Ahmadi missionaries visited the Federal Parliament recently. This flag was earlier hoisted at the Parliament of Australia on 17 September 2018.
Media coverage and interviews on the opening day was provided by Channel 7 and televised on the national evening news.
Over the 3-day convention, approximately 3,000 members from Australia and 85 guests from 16 countries attended this blessed event.
The topics of speeches included Ittaqullah – love and fear of Allah, Righteousness is the root of every virtue, Taqwa in matters of marriage, Importance of reading books of the Promised Messiahas, Islam, a religion of love and peace and many more.
The guests’ session held on the second day of Jalsa was attended by dignitaries and guests from different walks of life. Ibrahim Noonan Sahib, Naib Amir & Missionary In-Charge Ireland, represented the Markaz and delivered an inspiring address on What does the word “Islam” mean?

A number of dignitaries, including the local city mayor, MPs and faith group leaders delivered their addresses and messages. The messages of the Hon Prime Minister Mr Scott Morrison and Mrs Michelle Rowland, the Federal Member of Parliament in the neighbourhood constituency of Masjid Baitul Huda were read out as well. All the dignitaries were then escorted to the exhibition and bookstall marquee, which was then followed by dinner in the VIP marquee.
The third and final day of the Jalsa was chaired by Ibrahim Noonan Sahib in which he delivered the concluding address on the topic of Means of attaining nearness to Allah. This speech had a great and positive impact on listeners. Thereafter, Jalsa Salana Australia concluded with silent prayer.
We request readers to pray that Allah blesses all the efforts of Jamaat Australia.