Mansoor Ahmed Mubashir
France Correspondent
From 28 April to 2 May 2019, 5 missionaries of France, 6 of Belgium and 5 of Holland had the opportunity to organise their second refresher course at Baitul Ataa (Jalsa Gah), Trie Chateau, France.
A total of 18 presentations were given – 13 presented by the missionaries, 3 by external speakers and 2 by Zaheer Khan Sahib, guest speaker invited from the Markaz.

The opening ceremony was presided by Ashfaq Rabbani Sahib, national Amir France. Immediately after the opening session, a letter for prayers was faxed to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa.
Each day started with Tahajud, followed by Fajr prayer and dars. During the refresher course, time in the afternoons was allocated for sports.
In the span of the 5-day refresher course, after Isha, a sitting was held where senior missionaries shared their life experiences.
One afternoon was reserved so that the missionaries could tour Paris. On the way there, a stop was made to see Masjid Mubarak, inaugurated by Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa in 2008, the first Ahmadiyya mosque built in France, which also serves as the national headquarters of Jamaat France.
The refresher course came to an end with the concluding ceremony which was presided by Missionary In-charge of France Naseer Ahmad Shahid Sahib. A brief report of the course was presented which was followed by silent prayer.
Readers of Al Hakam are requested to pray for all the missionaries serving the Jamaat around the world that Allah may assist us in disseminating the message of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and the teachings of his servant, the Promised Messiahas.