Taimoor Ahmad
AMJ Burkina Faso
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Burkina Faso held its 28th Jalsa Salana on 29, 30 and 31 March 2019.
This year’s theme was “It is in the remembrance of Allah that hearts can find comfort” (Ch.13: V.29).

The Jalsa was held at Bustan-e-Mahdi, located 20km from the capital Ouagadougou. The Jamaat of Burkina Faso was honoured to welcome Muft i-e-Silsila Mubashar Ahmad Kahlon Sahib as representative of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa.
Along with Mubashar Kahlon Sahib, another special guest present at this Jalsa was Hafiz Ehsan Secundar Sahib, Missionary Incharge and Naib Amir Belgium. A delegation all the way from Ghana also took part in this event.
On Thursday, 28 March, Mubashar Kahlon Sahib along with Amir Sahib Burkina Faso, Mahmood Nasir Saqib Sahib, inspected the Jalsa site where they visited all the departments of Jalsa. Kahlon Sahib gave valuable suggestions and spoke briefly with the participants of Bobo Dioulasso region who came for the convention.
The opening session of Jalsa Salana commenced on Friday, 29 March at around 5pm after the flag hoisting ceremony. Amir Sahib Burkina Faso and Hafiz Ehsan Secundar Sahib hoisted respectively the national flag and Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat. Hafiz Secundar Sahib led the opening session along with the inaugural speech.

At the session, the Minister of State Mr Simeon Sawadogo, with three members of parliament and two governors came to visit the Jalsa. The delegation visited various exhibitions. Mr Sawadogo took great interest in the organisation of Jalsa. He took along with him literature and donated funds for Humanity First.
Saturday, 30 March, started with Tahajud and Fajr prayers and a dars on the importance of prayer.
The second session began at 9am and was led by Amir Sahib Burkina Faso. Two speeches were presented: Who is Our God? and The Outset of Dissension in Islam.
The third session was led by one of the oldest members of Jamaat Burkina Faso, Alhaj Jibril Sahib. The Blessings of Khilafat and Our Responsibilities was the title of the third session’s speech.
After dinner on Saturday, the Ahmadi Muslims Student Federation in Burkina Faso (FEEMAB) organised a forum on Religion and Rationality. Many religious leaders presented their point of view on the matter. Hafiz Secundar Sahib spoke on behalf of the Jamaat. The forum was presided by the Chief of Election Commission Mr Newton Ahmed Barry. It was next followed by questions and answers.
On Sunday, aft er Fajr, a dars on the martyrs of Islam was presented.
The final session started at 9am chaired by Mubashar Ahmad Kahlon Sahib. Kahlon Sahib spoke about the remembrance of God and how we can achieve His help.
More than 9,200 participants took part in this year’s Jalsa Salana. May Allah bless all those who came for the Jalsa and the organisers of this event.