27 December 1929: Jalsa Salana took place where Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra continued with his series of lectures about the blessings of the Holy Quran. 17,316 members of the Jamaat attended the event.
27 December 1939: Eastern Turkey experienced an earthquake that reached the magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale. It is commonly known as the 1939 Erzincan Earthquake. The Jamaat expressed its grief with those affected and invited people of India to take part in relief operations.
27 December 1941: Hazrat Chaudhry Mahboob Alam Baqapurira passed away. He was a companion of the Promised Messiahas.
27 December 1945: Hazrat Hafiz Nur Muhammadra of Faizullah Chak passed away. He accepted the message of the Promised Messiahas very early on, performing Bai‘at on 21 September 1889.
27 December 1947: Jamaat Lahore convened its two-day annual Jalsa, where, owing to the prevailing hardships of the partition, ladies could not attend. Only 2,000 men were allowed to attend from different chapters. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered three speeches.
27 December 1947: Qaid-e-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Governor General of Pakistan, appointed Hazrat Chaudhry Sir Zafarulla Khanra as the first foreign minister of the country.
27 December 1949: Hazrat Hafiz Jamal Ahmad, may Allah be pleased with him, passed away. He did Bai‘at in 1908 and served the Jamaat in Mauritius for 21 years as a missionary.
27 December 1951: Jamaat Indonesia organised its third annual conference in Padang, the capital of Indonesia’s West Sumatra province.
27 December 1960: Eastern Africa convened its 18th Conference. Some translations of the Holy Quran in local languages were exhibited.
27 December 1960: Chief Justice of India was given Jamaat literature as he was visiting Tarapur, a census town in Palghar district in the Indian state of Maharashtra.
27 December 1964: In celebration of the successful and blessed completion of 50 years of the second Khilafat, Lajna promised to raise 200,000 rupees, which would be spent on building a mosque in Copenhagen, Denmark.
28 December 1928: An All Parties Convention was proposed and held to discuss the Nehru Report. Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra represented the Jamaat, as he was serving as the nazir of external affairs.
28 December 1928: Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Australia convened its first ever Jalsa Salana.
28 December 1935: Eid-ul-Fitr was celebrated in Qadian and saw a huge attendance, owing to the gathering of Jalsa Salana that had recently concluded.
28 December 1937: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered a speech entitled “The true revolution”, in which he took an oath from Ahmadi men that they would give women a share of their inheritance.
Around 28,000 people attended this Jalsa. During the course of the Jalsa, Hazrat Chaudhry Sir Zafarulla Khanra spoke of his suggestion, which was about the proposed Khilafat Jubilee in 1939. The suggestion was later finalised, written and approved by Huzoorra.
28 December 1940: Baseless, false and inciting stories were published against the Jamaat by the Civil & Military Gazette and other newspapers.
28 December 1956: It was the final day of Jalsa Salana and Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra had already elaborated the background of a conspiracy against the Jamaat regarding Khilafat. On this date, Huzoorra further spoke on the topic of Khilafat and set the rules to how a Khalifa would be elected. He further announced concerning he who would be elevated by God Almighty to the blessed position of the third Khalifa of the Jamaat, “I already extend towards him the glad tiding that if he would remain steadfast with faith … then even if world governments confront him, they shall perish.”
During the course of the same Jalsa, Huzoorra also graciously gave three scholars of the Jamaat the title of “Khalid-e-Ahmadiyyat”: Jalaludin Shams Sahib, Abul Ata Jalandhari Sahib and Malik Abdur Rahman Khadim Sahib.
28 December 1956: Hazrat Sardar Sher Bahadur Qaiseranira passed away. He was a companion of the Promised Messiahas.
29 December 1929: Majlis Ahrar-e-Islam was founded on this date during the annual gathering of the Indian National Congress.
29 December 1944: In response to the unpleasant behaviour and foul language used by the opponents of the Jamaat during the course of Jalsa Salana, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra instructed Jamaat members to recite the following prayer during Isha in its final rak‘ah:
“We take You as a shield against whatever is in their [the enemy’s] heart. We seek protection against every evil of theirs and its dangerous effects.”
This practice continued for 40 days into the new year.
29 December 1962: The foundation stone of the Waqf-e-Jadid building was laid in Rabwah, Pakistan.
31 December 1946: Hazrat Mualvi Syed Zia-ul-Haqra passed away. He was amongst the twelve early and famous companions of the Promised Messiahas from Odisha, eastern India.
31 December 1954: The daily Al Fazl commenced its printing from Zia-ul-Islam press, Rabwah.
31 December 1957: Hazrat Malik Abdur Rahman Khadim passed away at the relatively young age of 47. He was famous for his debates in comparative religions and a well-established scholar. As mentioned above, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra had labelled him as one of three Khalid-e-Ahmadiyyats. His compilation of important references known as Tablighi Pocket Book has been a timeless treasure of knowledge to this day.
31 December 1959: US President Eisenhower was presented with Jamaat literature during a four-day visit to Delhi, India.
31 December 1960: Hazrat Syed Dilawar Shah Bukharira passed away. This companion accepted the message of the Promised Messiahas in 1907.
January 1910: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira instructed for a tabligh delegation to travel to Ceylon and Singapore to spread the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat. This was later materialised during the era of Khalifatul Masih IIra, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud.
January 1911: Hazrat Mir Qasim Alira launched a new magazine called Risala Ahmadiyya. The magazine was in response to allegations raised against the Jamaat by opponents such as Maulvi Sanaulllah of Amritsar and Maulvi Ibrahim of Sialkot.
January 1914: After seeking the permission of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira, Hazrat Sahibzada Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra prepared a detailed plan to spread the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat across the whole of India. A separate fund for tabligh activities was also launched.
January 1914: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira continued working tirelessly for the Jamaat despite his prolonged ailment. For example, he would regularly call Maulvi Muhammad Ali Sahib for his translation work of the Holy Quran. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira would listen to his notes and advise him accordingly.
January 1915: Special arrangements were made at Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian for senior students. For instance, a separate hostel was allotted and a special superintendent was appointed, while a series of lectures by scholars of the Jamaat were also scheduled for the upcoming missionaries. The whole project was supervised by Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad MAra, son of the Promised Messiahas.
January 1915: A book written by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra titled, Allah ki Madad Sirf Sadiqon ke sath hay (The help of Allah is only with the truthful) was published.
January 1916: During the first week of the month, notable guests visited Qadian and had the honour to meet with Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra. The guests included Mr Walter, Secretary of the Christian Youngman Association in Lahore; Mr Hume, the Educational Secretary and Mr Lucas, Vice Principal Foreman Christian College Lahore. Mr Walter later published his work entitled Ahmadiyya Movement. Mr Lucas, on some occasion during a speech in Ceylon, observed that the battle between Islam and Christianity would attain its decisive phase in Qadian.
January 1925: Maulvi Muhammad Hussain – once a childhood friend and later, a fierce opponent of the Promised Messiahas – died after a painful ailment.
January 1926: A telegram office was installed in Qadian. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra wired his first message towards some large chapters of the Jamaat in India using the new facility.
January 1927: Fanatics filled the air of India with hatred and harm against Muslims and Islam using the resources of Shradhanand Memorial Fund. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra directed Jamaat members to use every tabligh opportunity to defuse the damaging situation. Huzoorra hinted that from now on, things could be settled through tabligh. At the same time, Huzoorra invited other Muslims to join hands in order to tackle the state of affairs in the country.
January 1934: Hazrat Muhyuddinra passed way. He was considered amongst the early converts to Islam Ahmadiyyat from the Malabar region of India.
January 1934: An office was set up in Qadian by Majlis Ahrar.
January 1935: With the start of the new year, a new and fierce wave of persecution was witnessed where attempts on the lives of Ahmadis, brutal beatings of innocent Ahmadis and damage of Jamaat properties by anti-Ahmadiyya mobs was rampant. Further, Ahmadis faced problems during the burials of their deceased, water was denied to Ahmadis in certain places, mosques and other properties were attacked and seized and Ahmadi ladies were also attacked. Glimpses of the oppression that occurred are recorded in volume 7 of Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat. Despite the abuse and torment, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra advised Jamaat members to remain calm and patient and show the highest standards of morals.
January 1935: The quarterly magazine, Al Basharat-ul-Islamiyya from Palestine commenced its publication.
January 1935: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra set up a separate and independent office for Tahrik-e-Jadid, where Maulvi Abdur Rahman Anwar Sahib served as its director until 1946.
January 1936: A monthly magazine in Swahili titled Mapezi ya Mangu commenced its publication from Mombasa, Kenya.
January 1937: A local from Singapore, Haji Jaafar Sahib entered the fold of Islam Ahmadiyyat.
January 1937: During the rise of the Franco-Turkish dispute, the Jamaat was directed to engage in prayers for the Turkish side.
January 1938: The rules and regulations of Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya were printed for the first time.
January 1938: A missionary, Haji Ahmad Khan Sahib reached Czechoslovakia to spread the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat. Unfortunately, months later, he had to return due to visa issues.
January 1942: A magazine titled Furqan was launched by a small group of young scholars named Majlis Rufaqa-e-Ahmad. Maulana Abul Ata Jalandhari Sahib was its editor. The main theme of this scholarly journal was to address misconceptions that were being falsely spread by the Lahori Jamaat.
January 1944: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra was in Lahore due to the medical treatment of his wife, Hazrat Umm-e-Tahirra. She was admitted to Lady Willingdon Hospital, while Huzoorra resided at the house of Sheikh Bashir Ahmad Sahib.
January 1945: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra announced the appointment of amirs of eight different districts. This was the first time in the Jamaat where such appointments had taken place. The districts included Hoshiarpur, Sargodha, Ferozepur, Jalandhar, Sialkot, Gujrat, Gujranwala and Multan.
January 1945: Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Qadian launched its central bulletin and named it Tariq.
January 1947: Chaudhry Muhammad Sharif Sahib, a missionary serving in Palestine, publically invited the patriarch of Antioch and other patriarchs in Palestine and Syria for a decisive debate about Islam, however no one stepped forward.
January 1948: Abdul Latif Shahid Sahib from Gujrat launched a monthly magazine to spread the teachings of the Holy Quran.
January 1950: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’sra research was published, entitled Islam aur Milkiyat-e-Zameen. The book countered communist narratives and discussed Islam’s teachings about property and land.
January 1951: A health facility in Qadian started a laboratory. Female nurses also began working at the facility to ensure the privacy of female patients.
January 1953: Jamaat members observed seven voluntary fasts at the start of the new year, as directed by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra in his Jalsa speech. All seven fasts were observed on Mondays, each week.
January 1959: Sweden Jamaat launched a monthly magazine, Active Islam. The publication had articles in three language, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish.
January 1959: The Holland mission commenced publication of the monthly magazine Al Islam in Dutch.
January 1961: Switzerland Jamaat started its Ahmadiyya Gazette to cover its activities.
January 1963: The mission in Spain reported to the Markaz that by this date, it has dispatched the translation of The Philosophy of The Teachings of Islam to governors of 27 provinces.
January 1964: The message of the Jamaat started to reach the masses in Liberia through a television channel. Moreover, due to the efforts of the Jamaat mission, Muslim employees across the country were granted a one hour leave every Friday to offer Jumuah prayers in congregation.
1 January 1919: One of the most remembered and remarkable works of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra was the establishment of a central administrative body, Sadr Anjuman. On this date, Huzoorra unveiled new changes to the body and detailed new features for Sadr Anjuman, adding the nazarat system. Huzoorra also appointed Hazrat Maulvi Sher Alira as the first nazir-e-ala of Sadr Anjuman.
1 January 1933: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, along with some other members of the Promised Messiah’sas family, enjoyed, for the first time, a ride in an aeroplane as the famous pilot, Mr Chawla landed in Qadian with his small plane.
1 January 1934: Madrasa Ahmadiyya in Kababir, Palestine was established, where Maulana Abul Ata Jalandhari Sahib served as its first head master.
1 January 1936: Malik Saif-ur-Rahman Sahib did Bai‘at and became a member of the Jamaat. He had undertaken a long and deep study of the Jamaat prior to accepting. He was a renowned scholar of Islam and was very well respected in the Ahrar Movement prior to his acceptance of Islam Ahmadiyyat.
1 January 1936: Hazrat Syed Nasir Shahra, a companion of the Promised Messiahas, passed away.
1 January 1948: Shopkeepers in Qadian began a strict social boycott towards the Darweshan (sing. Darwesh) residing there. All sorts of household items and basic commodities were denied to these devout servants of Islam. This episode of hardship ended on 26 January.
1 January 1955: Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Ghana launched its first ever newspaper named Sunrise. It was the first Muslim newspaper of the country.
2 January 1929: Hazrat Maulvi Muhammad Sahibra of Mazang, a companion of the Promised Messiahas, passed away.
2 January 1956: A high ranked Chinese official was visiting Kolkata, where he was also presented with Jamaat literature.
2 January 1960: Billy Graham was a renowned American evangelist, who preached in 11 countries across Africa, including Liberia. On this date, he was invited by the Jamaat’s missionary appointed in Liberia to come and accept a prayer duel. Mr Graham did not come forward and opted to remain silent.