Ahsan Mahmood Khan, Afsar Jalsa Gah

The 37th West Coast Jalsa Salana USA took place on 27-29 December 2024 at the Baitul Hameed Mosque in Chino, California. Around 2,000 members from throughout the country, but primarily the 11 chapters of the Western states, attended the Jalsa, which first started in 1985 to cater to the many Ahmadis living in the western parts of the country but has now grown to an international event. The theme of this year’s Jalsa Salana was “Success Comes to the Believers”, highlighting the opening verses of Surah al-Mu’minun. After the flag-hoisting ceremony, the opening session took place, wherein Dr Sahibzada Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad, Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya USA, addressed the attendees and emphasised strengthening of an Ahmadi’s core beliefs and convictions. This was followed by a speech on Allah’s attributes of Al-Ghafur and Al-Wadud delivered by Waqas Nazir Malik Sahib. Zain Chowdhry Sahib then spoke on the Holy Quran – the means to draw nearer to God.
Saturday morning speeches this year covered a variety of topics, including the concept of angels, delivered by Tofik Khan Sahib, a discourse on Zakat by Nasir Boakye-Boateng Sahib; and a speech on the story of Hazrat Muhammad Abdul Haqq (formerly Charles Francis Sievwright), a convert to Ahmadiyyat during the Promised Messiah’sas time, delivered by Sherjeel Rauf. Haasher Ahmed Sahib then delivered a speech on humility in prayers, the first characteristic of a successful believer outlined in Surah al-Mu’minun.
This year’s Jalsa featured an additional afternoon session, featuring two speeches on “Falling into the quicksand of addiction, and how to be rescued” by Dr Mutahir Farhan Sahib and “The Promised Messiahas and Hazrat Amma Janra: A heavenly match rooted in Taqwa” by Jaleese Dar Sahib.
The evening guest session drew nearly 200 non-Ahmadi Muslim guests, including local and state government officials, members of local enforcement, professors, university students and interfaith congregations. The feature presentation was entitled “Fostering Compassion and Peace in Times of Conflict” by Amjad Mahmood Khan Sahib, Secretary of Public Affairs Jamaat USA. Various dignitaries gave short addresses, moderated by Asif Arif Sahib.
This year’s session featured a special presentation of the “Jalsa Cares” service initiative in partnership with a local food donation non-profit, God’s Pantry, and the organisers were acknowledged for their service. Several volunteers from the Jamaat spent the day before the start of Jalsa assisting with food packaging. The guests then enjoyed dinner on Zahir Basketball Court and many were taken through the Voices for Peace Jalsa exhibition, and also were interviewed on MTA.
Lajna Imaillah’s separate session included a speech on Wasiyyat delivered by Unber Shah Sahiba, an address on giving precedence to faith over worldly matters by Faiza Shah Sahiba and a discourse on how to save children from societal ills by Kinza Azim Sahiba. Tooba Laique Sahiba delivered a speech on “Hold on to the Rope of Allah for Everlasting Success” and Aziza Rahman Sahiba spoke on pursuing higher education.
The closing session on Sunday began with a speech in Urdu by Malik Tariq Mahmood Sahib on the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa as the perfect preacher. Qudus Malik Sahib then delivered a speech on “Khilafat: Illuminating Journeys of Faith and Transformation.”
During the closing session, the attendees listened to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saa concluding address at the Jalsa Salana Qadian 2024, delivered earlier in the day. During his address, Huzooraa mentioned the West Coast Jalsa Salana towards the end of his address, sharing how several Jalsa Salanas around the world are simultaneously taking place with the Qadian Jalsa Salana.
MTA USA ran live on-site interviews, both roaming and in studio, throughout the Jalsa and the entire Jalsa was live-streamed on YouTube and on the official Jalsa Salana website. Spanish, Urdu and Pashto live translation of all speeches was also provided. Additional programmes were held by the Tabligh, Waqf-e-Nau and Nau-Muba‘ieen (new converts) departments, along with the Ahmadiyya Association of Muslim Scientists (men and women) and Ahmadiyya Muslim Medical Association. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Medical Association also convened a meeting. This year an Amin ceremony (formal recognition of the completion of the first reading of the Holy Quran) was conducted by the National Talim-ul-Quran Department, in which several boys and girls participated. The national Rishta Nata Department once again held a “Meet and Greet” programme to facilitate introductions of families in a prearranged way. Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya USA hosted the MKA Hub where khuddam and atfal could enjoy games and food and inspiring talks. A Lajna Hub was similarly arranged on the ladies side. This year’s Jalsa also featured a food bazaar and a larger bookstall featuring the newest publications of the Jamaat. Humanity First USA also hosted a stall.
This year’s Jalsa Salana had 110 international guests, 210 non-Ahmadi guests and 10 countries were represented.