17 November 1884: The Promised Messiahas was in Delhi and his nikah was announced on this day with Hazrat Syeda Nusrat Jehan Begum Sahibara, daughter of Hazrat Mir Nasir Nawabra. It was Monday, 27 Muharram 1302 Hijri. The nikah was announced by famous cleric of the city, Maulvi Syed Nazeer Hussain.
17 November 1901: The Promised Messiahas went for his daily walk while listening to an article written by one of his companions. It seems that it was relatively lengthy piece because the Promised Messiahas completed his walk and sat in the clinic of Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra to let the article finish.
Meanwhile, Mr DD Dixon, a European traveler arrived in Qadian. It is said that he covered the Arab World, Karbala, India and Kashmir during his tour. He stayed in Gol Kamra, Qadian for a day. He took a few photographs also; one narration suggests that it was after Asr Prayer, when he took three photos, two group-photos and one of the Promised Messiahas. The Promised Messiahas assigned his companion Hazrat Sheikh Masihullah Sahib to prepare special food for the guest as he had some experience of cooking Western-style dishes. The next day, when Mr Dixon left Qadian, the Promised Messiahas went with him for his daily walk towards Batala and on the way, Huzooras explained his mission and saw him off at the canal bridge. Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra acted as interpreter. Mr Dixon was exceedingly impressed by the hospitality, high moral values he witnessed, and massive presence of learned scholars of a vast range of subjects in this far-flung town.
18 November 1884: The Promised Messiahas set off on his journey towards Qadian from Delhi with his new wife Hazrat Nusrat Jehan Begumra – affectionately known to Ahmadi Muslims as Hazrat Amma Jan.
18 November 1902: Hazrat Syed Abdul Latifra of Afghanistan arrived in Qadian on this day.
19 November 1885: A bitter opponent of the Promised Messiahas, Pandit Lekhram came to Qadian on this day. He stayed for the following two months but opted to live with rival camps. He himself missed the blessed company of a prophet of God, and years later, met with his dreadful fate.
20 November 1898: The Promised Messiahas penned his book Najm-ul-Huda in a very short time, and this book was also published in a very short period.
20 November 1901: The phonograph of Nawab Muhammad Ali Khan Sahibra of Malerkotla was in Qadian. The Promised Messiah’sas first reaction was that the device should be utilised for the furtherance of his mission. It was proposed that his own voice should be recorded so that people might hear his voice first hand. This was such a new and novel thing that his Hindu neighbors were also eager to see it.
The Promised Messiahas wrote a short poem for the occasion and Maulvi Abdul Karim Sialkoti Sahibra recited it to have it recorded. At about 4:30pm, the Promised Messiahas wrote a note to Lala Sharampat saying that if he, Lala Malawamal (both good acquaintances of Hazrat Ahmadas) and his friends wanted to see the phonograph, they should come to his house. On getting this information, Sharampat and a number of other Hindus and Muslims of the village came there. The cylinder record was put on and the voice that came from the loud speaker said:
آواز آرہى ہے یہ فونوگراف سے
ڈھونڈو خدا كو دل سے نہ لاف وگزاف سے
(So says the sound of the phonograph; Find God in hearts, and not in pride and vanity)
21 November 1902:The Promised Messiahas had a discussion with his companion Sheikh Rahmatullah Sahibra who had returned from London. He shared some of his experiences with the Promised Messiahas. The Promised Messiahas came to know that a baby-boy was born to him from his European wife whom Huzoor named Abdullah. After enquiring more information, the Promised Messiahas declared this baby: “The first son of an Ahmadi Muslim in London.”