Samad Ahmed Ghori, President Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Albania

The 15th Jalsa Salana of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Albania took place on 20 October 2024 at the Baitul Awal Mosque, Tirana, and was attended by 300 people, including 100 Albanian Ahmadis and guests from Kosovo, North Macedonia and Bosnia.
Ibrahim Ikhlaf Sahib, the Markazi representative, inaugurated the Jalsa with flag-hoisting. The first session was presided over by Ibrahim Sahib, and commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran with Albanian translation, followed by a speech by Mariglen Beja Sahib, Secretary Tabligh Jamaat Albania, on “Is Allah not sufficient for His servant?” After the speech, a video was shown, taken from The Review of Religions’ “God Summit.” The second speech was delivered by my humble self on “All goodness is contained in the Quran.” Following this, another video from the “God Summit” was shown.
The second session began with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a speech by Dr Bujar Ramaj Sahib, based on Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saa addresses wherein he highlighted the dangers of a looming world war and the solutions offered by Islam to save humanity. A documentary was shown on the topic of Jesus’as escape from the cross, which was originally broadcast on MTA. The new Albanian translation of the Holy Quran, printed in November 2023, was formally introduced during the Jalsa. Dr Bujar Ramaj Sahib presented the introduction. After Zuhr and Asr prayers and lunch, the final session began with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a speech by Bekim Bici Sahib on “Effective Time Management”. After this, another video from the “God Summit” was shown.
The concluding address was delivered by Ibrahim Ikhlaf Sahib, who shared faith-inspiring personal experiences of how Allah guided him toward Islam Ahmadiyyat. The session concluded with a silent prayer.
The attendees appreciated the speeches and documentaries shown at the Jalsa. Vera Sahiba, a non-Ahmadi Muslim woman, appreciated the speeches at the Jalsa and expressed that they answered all the questions she had about the Jamaat. Moreover, Mimoza Sahiba, a Christian woman and economist, remarked that everywhere in the Jalsa she could feel spirituality and positive energy.
The day after the Jalsa, Ibrahim Ikhlaf Sahib met with Albanian khuddam in the coastal city of Durrës. During this meeting, he conveyed the message of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa and emphasised the importance of prayer and obedience to Allah’s commandments, sharing key points from Huzoor’saa concluding address at the Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK Ijtema 2024.