Al Fazl, 1 & 8 December 1921

Telegram of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih to the Prince of Wales and his answer
The following telegram was sent by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] on the occasion of the arrival of the Prince of Wales in India:
“Heir to the throne of the British Empire! I personally congratulate you on your arrival in India and also [welcome you] on behalf of more than half a million members of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, who are spread all across the parts of the Empire and in other countries as well. I pray to God Almighty to make your arrival a source of love and peace, and to bless your journey and guide you in your works.”
In reply, the following telegram was received:
“As per the wish of His Royal Highness, I thank you for the welcome message you have sent on behalf of yourself and your Jamaat.”
Al Fazl, 8 December 1921
Tabligh of Ahmadiyyat in Mauritius
Sufi Ghulam Muhammad Sahib BA, missionary to Mauritius, has now started to send accounts of tabligh. The summary of his recent letters is that he delivered a dars [religious sermon] of the Holy Quran at St Pierre on 1 October [1921], presented mail from London and America [to members of the Jamaat] and read out newspaper excerpts which mentioned Eid-ul-Adha in London and the denial of Jesus’ divinity by the clergy.
On 2 October, in the afternoon, a gathering was held at Cinema Hall, Rose Hill, under the chairmanship of Mazu Sahib. During the proceedings, a priest said, “I am a denier of trinity and a believer in tawhid [the unity of God]. Next time, I will deliver a speech where there will be Christians present as well.” Thereafter, Sufi Sahib gave a speech against shirk [association of partners with Allah] and explained the purpose of the appearance of the Promised Messiahas and also presented as to how his mission was spreading across the world.

On 9 October, at noon, a jalsa was held under the presidency of Maulana Abdullah Mauritiusi Sahib at Cinema Hall, Rose Hill. To begin with, the president of the gathering gave a speech on the truthfulness of the Promised Messiahas in which he substantiated the truth of his claim by various arguments of the Holy Quran. After that, at the request of the chairman of the jalsa, Sufi Sahib delivered a speech on the existence of God.
On Friday, 11 October, Sufi Sahib and a few other friends met Brother Elahi Bakhsh Sahib Bhanu who had returned from India. They asked him about the then state of affairs of Qadian. As he had also gone to Kashmir, he told them about the shrine of Prophet Jesusas.
On 23 October, a gathering was held under the chair of Muhammad Ibrahim Acha Mazu Sahib at Cinema Hall, Rose Hill, in which speeches were delivered.
On 26 October, a jalsa was held under the presidency of Mr Noor Mohammad Nooria Sahib at the same Cinema Hall, Rose Hill. Mazu Sahib delivered a speech on “Ismuhu Ahmad” which was repeated by the president of the jalsa in Creole. Thereafter, the letters from the missionaries of America and Ceylon etc. were read out.
A jalsa of Anjuman Ahmadiyya Nairobi, Africa
The tabligh secretary of Nairobi Jamaat, East Africa reports that their jamaat held a tabligh gathering at the Royal Theatre on 23 October [1921]. There, various friends gave speeches and opponents were given an opportunity to express their doubts and their questions were answered.
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu in the 1 and 8 December 1921 issue of Al Fazl)