Al Fazl, 6 July 1923
Hazrat Maulvi Abdur Rahim Nayyarra (1883-1948)

Maulvi Mubarak Ali
Regarding the second coming of the Messiah, it was said that he “will gather together his elect”. Hence, we observe that fortunate people are enthusiastically gathering under the banner of the messenger of Allah the Almighty, Prophet Ahmadas of Qadian. They are participating in the purpose for which the coming of the Promised Messiah was destined.
Maulvi Mubarak Ali Sahib is also one of the aforementioned blessed people. He came [into the Jamaat] after many others, and I cannot say on behalf of anyone else, but as far as I know, he has made significant strides. He is wholly devoted and full of kindness. What he did in London is very admirable, and what he is doing now in Berlin deserves tribute. May Allah the Almighty give him the best rewards.
A British new convert, regarding Maulvi Mubarak Ali Sahib, said to me:
“Maulvi Mubarak Ali is the personification of Islam, and the qualities that a human being should have are present in him.”
Brother Mubarak Ali Sahib himself mentions his impact on a non-Ahmadi in a letter and writes:
“As compared to the free Lahori [those who did not take bai‘at of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra], (such and such) scholar was influenced more by the servant of [Hazrat Mirza] Mahmud[ra], [i.e., Maulvi Mubarak Ali Sahib].”
We request our friends to pray a lot for this sincere and devoted worker of the Jamaat.
Berlin Mission
By the grace and blessings of Allah the Almighty, good work is being carried out in Berlin, Germany. Maulvi Mubarak Ali Sahib is engaged in tabligh [preaching] with full sincerity, devotion, and hard work. The Promised Messiah’sas book, [The Philosophy of the Teaching of Islam],i.e., the lecture at the Conference Of Great Religions, has been translated into German and is now being proofread. The friends’ circle of Maulvi Sahib is expanding, and thus the scope of his work is also growing. People are getting more interested in finding out about the teachings of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. In addition to the German translation of the lecture at the conference of great religions, the English translation, which is known as [The Philosophy of the] Teaching of Islam, is also being printed for publication.
Hungarian professor intends to visit Qadian
A professor from Hungary, who was the head of theology at a famous university and was dismissed for denying the divinity of Jesus, came to visit Maulvi Mubarak Ali Sahib and was deeply influenced by the teaching of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. It had such a great impact on him that deep down, he accepted Islam, and now he intends to visit Qadian to meet Hazrat Khalifatul Masih [IIra] and desires to stay in Darul Aman [Abode of Peace] to personally observe the values of Islam.
Preaching in London
Weekly gatherings are held at the Ahmadiyya Darul Tabligh [Mission House] located in London and lectures are delivered on various subjects. Hence, in the last four weeks, this humble one [Hazrat Abdur Rahim Nayyarra] gave three speeches, and last week, Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib delivered a lecture on the topic of The Promised Messiah which was very well received. Babu Azizuddin gives speeches in Hyde Park in his spare time. The seekers of truth personally meet the missionaries of Islam and clear their doubts.
Professor Riuska’s faith
Professor Sahib said to Maulvi Mubarak Ali Sahib that after returning from Qadian, I would say to the people:
“I am well acquainted with the teachings of Islam and have studied Islamic life. And now, I have accepted Islam because this religion is practically following the teachings of Jesusas, which were presented to the world by the greatest of all the prophets, [Hazrat Muhammadsa].”
The professor further said:
“I never believed in the divinity of Jesusas, and I was fired from my job only because I objected to the insincere behaviour of Christian people. I was hoping for a light from the East and I think my hope [has come before me] in the form of Islam.”
Preaching to leaders of Europe
Maulvi Mubarak Ali Sahib writes:
“Now, I am anxious to convey the message of the Promised Messiahas to the leaders and rulers of Europe. By translating the address, [A Present to the] Prince of Wales, into Urdu and Central European languages, I intend to meet some leaders in person and send a letter to the rest of the rulers. I want to personally meet the rulers because a personal introduction and meeting have more impact than a letter. Professor Fertenary will accompany me on this journey. He speaks German, French, Hungarian, and English. He is in favour of my intentions and desires to go on this tour. When we meet these leaders, the newspapers will surely publish and mention these meetings because they are famous people. Consequently, the message of Ahmadiyyat will spread. I have high hopes in Allah the Almighty.”
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 6 July 1923 issue of Al Fazl)