Hazrat Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Sayalra (1887-1960)
Request for prayers
In the previous letter, reports up to 16 January [1921] have been gifted to members of the Jamaat. Before presenting accounts from 16 January to 4 February, I request members of the Jamaat to pray because I have frequently witnessed such dreams, which show that true success will come only through prayers. Moreover, the success that comes through prayers has no defects in it. On the other hand, there are always hidden flaws in the success that comes as result of lone human efforts.
Divine dream
I saw [in a dream] that I was seated on a chair in a room and was surrounded by problems. These [problems] had besieged me in the form of idols that were made of some kind of artificial stone. They were so numerous that I became terrified to see them and I said aloud, “How can I get out of these troubles?”
Thereafter, I saw that the Promised Messiahas standing and saying that there was no refuge from these difficulties save the lap of Allah.
[In another dream] that same night at the crack of dawn, I saw Satan in the form of a strong woman standing on a high place and many of her agents and workers were standing in front of her. She was very angry with them and told them loudly, “What is all this repute that I hear about Ahmadis? I hear from all sides that Ahmadis are succeeding against us. Can’t you manage them?”
The satans then expressed their helplessness with respect to Ahmadis and admitted, “As the Ahmadis do everything with the help of prayers, we cannot interfere in their efforts.”
My dreams and I do not matter at all. I have only presented them to stimulate noble members of the Jamaat for prayers. We, who are here, spend day and night reflecting, making efforts and praying. Although we have full faith in the grace and mercy of Allah the Almighty, but we feel nervous at times.
The spread of Islam in these countries is only possible through prayers. Special prayers are required in times of great difficulties. Hence, those friends who wish to share our pain and sorrow that we experienced during our hard work and efforts, can join us through their prayers.
Sacrificing one’s wealth is much easier than praying. Consequently, those people who will help us in our work through prayers, Allah the Almighty will reward them even more than those who helped us with their wealth. May God Almighty be with all of you.
Lectures by Ahmadi missionaries
From 16 January to 14 February, missionaries of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat [in the UK] gave 13 lectures at various places. Three of these lectures were held outside of London at the invitation of various societies. The rest of the lectures were held under our own management. Three lectures were delivered by me and three by Maulvi Abdul Rahim Sahib. Maulvi Mubarak Ali Sahib gave seven lectures. May Allah the Almighty grant them the best of rewards.

Letter of a British new convert to Islam
Apart from lectures, letters were exchanged and meetings were held with the people. As an illustration, I will present a letter and the account of a meeting. This is for those who say that the London mission is futile. I will give the translation of an English gentleman’s letter. He is now 30 years old and has a strong affectionate bond with me. Moreover, he is immersed in the love of Islam. Perhaps one day he will visit Qadian with me. He wrote this letter from France. Its translation is as follows:
“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
“My dear brother, assalamo alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!
“After saying goodbye to you, I have reached the south of France. Leaving London is like a breath of fresh air because the atmosphere is far cleaner and purer over here as compared to the dust and smoke of London. My stay in France is only for a few days and I will return to London within a month.
“Whether I am in France or England or any corner of the world, I will never forget my Muslim brothers whom I met in London. I will not forget you in particular. You know I have always had great admiration for you, but the bond of Islam has made that affection even stronger.
“I pray that we may spend the rest of our lives together because we are like two true brothers. The time we spend in each other’s company is passed in happiness. As you know, I intend to spend my future life in the service of Islam, so there is only one objective in my life and that is to see the glory of Islam. My sole aim is to sacrifice my life for Islam and my only goal is to achieve the pleasure of Allah the Almighty.
“Please pray that Allah the Almighty may fulfill my intentions. Kindly write back to me when you get the opportunity.”
This letter is for those who say that there can be no real zeal for Islam in the British.
A visitor
On the afternoon of 28 February [1921], an English lady came to visit us. She was accompanied by four children, two boys and two girls. Her husband was a Punjabi Muslim of Dharamshala, who had passed away 12 years ago.
This lady is not well acquainted with Islam. However, she has carried out the tarbiyat [moral training] of her children in an Islamic way through the knowledge she has about Islam. She brought the children to us to educate them about all the teachings of Islam.
There are many such families in London. When there was no Islamic mission here, it was often the case that after the husband would pass away, the wife and children would convert to Christianity. As a result, scores of Muslim children have become Christians, but now, by the grace of God Almighty, an Islamic markaz [centre] and an Islamic society is present here. Consequently, if mothers and children so desire, they can be protected and helped in every way.
A regular lesson plan has been set for the said children. In this way, the duty of caring for the orphans is also being fulfilled, alhamdulillah.
Two new convert Muslims
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, an English friend recently converted to Islam after nearly six months of research. He was named Faruq. A British lady, who had been studying Islam for about six years, also accepted Islam. She was named Mahmuda. Members of the Jamaat are requested to pray for their perseverance.
Supporter of faith
Chaudhry Maula Bakhsh Sahib particularly stands out among the Ahmadi friends that have come [to the UK] from India in these days. He has proven himself helpful for our mission in all respects. He is supporting us in every way through his wealth, time and influence. The task of collecting chanda [monetary donations] from the Ahmadis living here has been entrusted to him.
اَللّٰهُمَّ انْصُرْ مَنْ نَّصَرَ دِيْنَ مُحَمَّدٍ صَلَّی اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ
[O Allah, Help him who helps the religion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.]
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu in the 10 March 1921 issue of Al Fazl)