In a letter to Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib[ra], Maulvi Muhammad Yusuf Khan Sahib writes:
The photographs of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] and his companions have been published in Chicago and other major cities. Their portraits have also appeared in moving pictures, significantly contributing to the widespread propagation of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat’s message.
The state of missionary work here remains similar to what it was during the time of Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib. Sincere individuals regularly pay a visit, while others come sporadically. Mr Gadway delivers lectures against our Jamaat. However, opposition is expected and I firmly believe that without it, the distinction between truth and falsehood cannot be fully realised. In fact, such opposition, to a large extent, aids in the dissemination of our message.
New York
In New York, 8 individuals have accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat. They have been sent letters and provided with free literature. Among them is a man named Henry Hills, who appears to be very sincere. Although he lacks extensive knowledge, he remains actively engaged in missionary efforts.
In the city of Cleveland, we have a considerable number of Jamaat members, but there is no one available to fully provide them with guidance on Islamic matters. Mr Abdullah Wadud guides them to the best of his knowledge.
St. Louis
A letter from Sheikh Ahmad Din Sahib in St. Louis states that several new friends have joined the Jamaat and the overall state of the Community has improved compared to before.
New Orleans
Correspondence is ongoing with Mr Mott in New Orleans, who continues to contribute to the spread of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat’s message to the best of his ability.
Costa Rica
In Costa Rica, Central America, a new convert named Jabir exhibits great enthusiasm. He requested our literature and has studied multiple books. We are hopeful that a branch of Islam Ahmadiyyat will soon be established there.
100 subscribers for The Review of Religions (English)
Our esteemed Miyan Niaz Muhammad Sahib Ahmadi of Karachi (Police Inspector) has sent the following letter. May Allah the Almighty grant him an immense reward for his sincere, enthusiastic and timely assistance. He writes:
“Assalamu Alaikum,
“By the grace and mercy of Allah the Almighty, this humble servant takes responsibility for purchasing ten copies of The Review of Religions (English). These ten copies should be distributed in Europe or America for missionary purposes and I will ensure that the annual subscription cost is paid.
“Furthermore, with Allah’s grace and mercy, I will strive to have the Karachi Jamaat take responsibility for purchasing 100 copies. May the Gracious Lord grant them the ability to contribute beyond their means in earning this great reward, Amin. —Niaz Muhammad, Karachi.” […]

The Ahmadiyya Jamaat of Mauritius has appointed Hafiz Sufi Ghulam Muhammad Sahib as the President of the local Anjuman Ahmadiyya, while Muhammad Ihsan Siddiqui Sahib has been appointed as its secretary. […]
The Deputy Commissioner of Gurdaspur’s visit to Qadian

Upon assuming charge as Deputy Commissioner of Gurdaspur, Mr Dobson received a formal request in early February from Zulfiqar Ali Khan Sahib, Nazir Umur-e-Aammah and Additional Secretary to Hazrat Khalifatul Maish II[ra]. The request expressed the desire to send a delegation to welcome him upon his arrival in the district and requested a suitable date for this purpose.
In response, Mr Dobson graciously expressed his gratitude and mentioned that His Excellency, the Governor of Punjab, was currently visiting and a date could be set after his departure. However, he noted that he would commence his own tour on 3 February [1925] and if His Holiness, the Khalifa, approved, he would visit Qadian or meet the delegation at a nearby location for their convenience. He requested a prompt response.
Nazir Umur-e-Aama presented this letter to Huzoor[ra], who instructed that a reply be sent, expressing happiness at Mr Dobson’s willingness to visit Qadian. The response further stated that it was beneficial for officials to familiarise themselves with important locations early in their tenure, as it led to productive outcomes. The letter also requested that a date be provided before his visit to Qadian, following the Governor’s departure.
Subsequently, Mr Dobson sent a verbal message confirming his visit to Qadian. On 31 January [1925], a follow-up letter was sent to Sathiali, where he was stationed, requesting him to specify a date so that arrangements for his welcome could be made. In a very cordial reply, the Deputy Commissioner stated that he, along with his wife and their guest, Miss Eden, would arrive in Qadian at 10 am on 3 February, with a particular desire to meet the Khalifa on this occasion. He requested confirmation from Huzoor[ra] regarding this meeting.
As per Huzoor’s[ra] directive, a letter was sent expressing gratitude for Mr Dobson’s visit and extending an invitation for breakfast, given that their arrival coincided with breakfast time. The arrangements included a warm reception at Kalu Sohal Bridge (the canal bridge), where representatives of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat would receive the guests.
A delegation comprising Zulfiqar Ali Khan (Nazir Umur-e-Aammah), Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Sial MA (Nazir Dawat-o-Tabligh), Dr Fazal Karim (Sub-Assistant Surgeon), Chaudhry Ghulam Ha Mim Sahib (retired Sub-Inspector) and Mirza Gul Muhammad Sahib represented the Ahmadiyya Jamaat and welcomed the guests. They were accompanied by the Tehsildar of Batala, who had recently been appointed and was known for his courteous demeanour, along with Chaudhry Muhammad Khan Sahib (Superintendent of the Urdu Office).
Upon arrival in Qadian, the reception for the guests took place beyond the town, at the outskirts of the bagh (orchard) of Nawab Muhammad Ali Khan Sahib’s[ra] bungalow. The following friends were present to welcome them: Nawab Abdullah Khan Sahib, his son and Maulvi Sher Ali Sahib[ra], along with the Chief Secretary of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, headmasters of two schools, officials from various departments and representatives from the local press and panchayat.
After breakfast, which they had in the company of Abdullah Khan Sahib, Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Sayal MA, Zulfiqar Ali Khan Sahib, Syed Zain-ul-Abideen Waliullah Shah Sahib and Chaudhry Nasrullah Khan Sahib (Nazir-e-Aala), the guests met Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra]. The meeting lasted for about an hour, during which they discussed current issues, national affairs and Huzoor’s[ra] recent tour to Europe. Eventually, as time ran short, they took leave from the Khalifa and expressed their desire to inspect the administrative structure of Qadian.
Huzoor[ra] bid them farewell and they proceeded to visit the Shifa Khana (hospital), High School Boarding, and Madrasa Ahmadiyya Boarding and the two ladies saw the Girls’ School. They then visited the Minarat-ul-Masih at Masjid Aqsa. On their way, they also observed the Post Office and Bait-ul-Mal Ahmadiyya.
Finally, the guests in the same tanga that had brought them were escorted to Cheema Bridge on the canal. Nazir Umur-e-Aama and Dr Fazal Karim Sahib, on behalf of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, accompanied them. The hosts insisted on escorting them to Panjgrain, their designated place of stay, but Mr Dobson insisted on departing independently.
As a token of appreciation, the guests were presented with substantial Ahmadiyya literature in English. Throughout the visit, from 10 am to 2 pm, they appeared highly pleased and expressed their sincere gratitude for the hospitality extended to them.
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 10 February 1925 issue of Al Fazl)