Al Fazl, 20 May 1919
Hazrat Master Abdur Rahim Nayyarra
Members of the Mauritius Jamaat are experiencing a kind of hardship which appears to be an indication of their steadfastness and future reward. The trial is that the opponents want to take hold of the Rose Hill Mosque which has remained in the Jamaat’s possession for several years and whose imam is Maulvi Hafiz Ghulam Muhammad BA. The case is being heard in the high court at Port Louis.
A handful of Ahmadis belonging to the island of Mauritius are ardently offering monetary sacrifice and have thus far offered 2,000 rupees. Members of the Jamaat are requested to pray for their success.
Maulvi Obaidullah Sahib is residing in Saint Pierre while Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Sahib is located at Rose Hill and the message of Islam is being duly conveyed in each of the two places. Tabligh is being carried out among the Hindus, Aryas, French, English and local Christians. Moreover, one or two Christians have converted to Islam as well.
As for now, during the court proceedings, the claims of Promised Messiahas were conveyed to every famous leader of Muslims from the Island. Revue Islamique is a fortnightly newspaper that is published by Anjuman Ahmadiyya Rose Hill, which is the central Anjuman of the Island. Apart from this newspaper, tracts are published in French which are sent to France and Madagascar.

Western Africa
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, the Nigerian Jamaat is progressing in faithfulness. They are in correspondence with the Markaz [Qadian] and the London Mission. Owing to certain reasons, the question of sending a missionary over there seems difficult. There are problems in acquiring a passport. Christian clergymen have gained a strong foothold out there. Our Jamaat has informed the government regarding the doctrines of Ahmadiyyat and the teachings of the Promised Messiahas about loyalty [to one’s government]. The Honourable Mr B Feni Mukan, Secretary of Lagos Jamaat, has taken oaths from the new Ahmadi converts that aside from abiding by the conditions of Bai‘at, they shall refrain from the various customary innovations prevalent in the region.
The Nigerian Jamaat holds a weekly gathering under the guidance of their respected President, Mr Augustu in which lectures on Ahmadiyyat and Islam are delivered. Two of these lectures have been published in the form of tracts.
A young Nigerian, Mr Abdul Rahim Smith has acquired permission to visit Qadian and Hazrat Khalifatul Masih has granted approval to bear the expenses of his journey. This young man is soon to visit Qadian, regarding which he firmly believes that it is the birthplace of the Awaited Messiah and the Markaz of Islam.
Gold Coast
Southern Africa
Below are the names of recent converts of Gold Coast Jamaat:
AR Pedro Liam, Smalls Orinsa, Bakiri, Barima al-Salafi, Ali Ana, Al-Haq Miza, Musa Mensa, Abd Ilahi Anderson, Suleiman Ahord, Isa Mensa, Abdul Qadir, Bremiah Hamniyand, Muhammad Samuels, Syed Wau Tamina, Musa Odiba, Yusuf Yorki, Muhammad Sadu, Smalls, Chief Barmat, Suleiman, Musa, Brema, Yarkubu, Syedu, Yarkubu No. 2, Ishaqa, Yusufu, Bukaray, Yusufu No. 2, Ameedu, Abd Ilahi, Muhammad.
Maulvi Hassan Musa Khan Sahib is working extremely well in Australia through his lectures and writings. He writes articles in newspapers and distributes the Jamaat’s literature to his full potential. Presently, Nazarat Talif-o-Ishaat [central publications and propagations directorate] has granted him permission to rent a house for residing permanently and two pounds are given monthly for the rent. The address of Maulvi Sahib is: MH Musa Khan, Ahmadiyya Missionary, 788 PB GPO Adelaide S Australia.
On the demise of Prince John, Maulvi Hassan Musa Khan Sahib, on behalf of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat and the Afghanis residing in Australia, sent letters expressing sympathy to the officials along with literature of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. Everyone acknowledged it with thanks. Thus, in this manner, the message of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat was effectively delivered to Australian officials.
Straits Settlements
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, the Jamaat has been established in Penang and Singapore. Dr Ghulam Din Sahib and Dr Ghulam Muhammad Sahib are noteworthy among those who have recently pledged the oath of allegiance.
The recent converts of this region include Bengali (Malay Singaporean), Nizamuddin (Malay Singaporean), Maula Bakhsh (Malay Singaporean), Muhammad Hussein (new Muslim, Malay Singaporean), Hakim Ghulam Muhmmmad (Malay Singaporean), Muhmmad (Malay Singaporean), Ghulam Muhammad Thekedar (Malay), Muhkimuddin (Malay), Khairuddin (Malay) and Ghulam Nabi (Malay Singaporean).
Abdul Karim Sahib conveys the passion of Egyptian Ahmadis in his letters and particularly points out the passion of Muhammad Saleh Shushan Sahib and Muhammad Wasfi Sahib. It is quite possible that with the services of Abdul Karim Sahib, the work of conveying the message of the Messiah is carried out in the country of Egypt.
The request for publishing a newspaper and educating a young Egyptian gentleman in Qadian for carrying out tabligh in Egypt was presented before Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II. It has been graciously approved that the Jamaat shall bear the expenses of a young Egyptian man.
(Translated by Al Hakam)