Al Fazl, 13 & 20 November 1922
Preaching in Iran
There was a Persian newspaper called Hubl al-Matin published from Calcutta. We do not know if it is still running or not. In 1915, I received the instructions of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] while I was in Calcutta that if an announcement about the Ahmadiyya Jamaat was published in the newspaper Hubl al-Matin, the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat could reach Iran.
For this purpose, I went to meet the editor of Hubl al-Matin. In those days, he had recently lost his eyesight. [When I entered his office], he had mail in his hand. He would scrabble through it and hand over a letter to the clerk, who would read it out. He was very stubborn. When he heard about the announcement of Ahmadiyya Jamaat, he became very upset and strongly refused.
For everything, there is a time prescribed by God Almighty. At present, numerous articles from The Moslem Sunrise are being translated and published in Iranian newspapers and we are not spending a penny on them. The Jamaat is highly commended in these newspapers and the services of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community for Islam are being acknowledged. We have received an Iranian newspaper named Badr dated 8 Dhul-Qa‘dah 1340 AH [3 June 1922] from Tehran. It has devoted a full-column article to The Moslem Sunrise magazine, a few lines of which are presented below for the readers:
مابا نہایت افتخار تدریجاً بعضے مقالات و نشریات جمعیت محترم نہضت احمدى را از مجلہ شریفہ شمس الاسلام كه بزبان انگلیسى در امریكا طبع و در كلیه جہان نشرمى شود ترجمه نموده و محض تنبیه ابناء وطن تولید سرور در قلوب مومنین درج مینمائیم
[“We are very proud that we have gradually translated some of the articles and essays of the esteemed Ahmadiyya Movement from The Moslem Sunrise magazine, which is published in the English language in America and circulated all over the world. We are publishing them only for the guidance of the countrymen and for the delight of the hearts of the believers.”]
25-hour day
According to the British reckoning, each day starts at 12 am and ends at twelve o’clock at night, and thus there are 24 hours in a day. The same is the case in the United States of America, but on Sunday, 24 August [1922], there was a 25-hour day in this country. This is because in winter, when the days are shorter, offices and shops open an hour earlier in the morning to close early before nightfall and save on electricity costs.
If the people are simply told that the offices will now open at 8 am instead of 9 am, they might arrive late. Therefore, the wise men of this country have thought of an easy remedy for this that the clocks in the city should be set back one hour. At three o’clock on Sunday morning, the clocks of all centres and government offices were moved back one hour to two o’clock. Some people stopped their clocks for an hour and then started them again. With the arrival of the Spring season, the clocks will be turned back.
Ten new converts
A new African convert who converted to Islam in Chicago has moved to Detroit and is employed there. His name is Mr Hull. He regularly carries out tabligh [preaching] there [in Detroit] and in the last week, he has converted ten Christians to Islam. I have received their requests for bai‘at here [in Chicago].
Muhammad Sadiq. 4448 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill., America.
Al Fazl, 20 November 1922
A mosque in Germany
For a long time, efforts were being made to purchase land and make other construction arrangements for the Ahmadiyya Mosque in Germany. Now, since September [1922], Maulvi Mubarak Ali Sahib has been present there [in Germany] for this very purpose and his letter has been received, stating that by the grace of Allah the Almighty, an arrangement to buy two acres of land had been made. According to the exchange rate, the total expenditure for the purchase of land and construction of the mosque is estimated to be around 20,000 rupees.
It is the desire of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] that instead of making a general appeal to members of the Jamaat, a few friends should present this amount as soon as possible to get the benefit of the current exchange rate. The donations should be submitted to the fund under the name “Ahmadiyya Mosque Germany” by 15 December 1922.
Wassalam, Nazir Bait-ul-Mal [Master Abdul Mughni].
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 13 and 20 November 1922 issue of Al Fazl)