Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra (1872-1957)

From London, Maulvi Ghulam Farid Sahib[ra] MA writes:
“The Review of Religions issues for December 1924 and January 1925 have already been published, and the February issue is expected to be received from the printing press soon.
“Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib[ra] departed for America on 18 January 1925. He delivered a lecture in the city of Harrow, after which I also delivered a lecture in the same hall. The audience numbered over one hundred, which is considered a significant turnout in this country. The lecture was listened to with great attention and had a very positive impact.
“By the time this letter reaches India, or shortly thereafter, I will be delivering a lecture on Islam and the Prophet of Islam on the Isle of Wight. On the same day or around that time, Maulvi Dard Sahib[ra] will travel to Holland to deliver a lecture. Two of his lectures have already been scheduled there, with the possibility of more to be arranged later. The topic of the lecture I delivered in Harrow was How to Attain Peace of Mind.”

From the island of Mauritius, Mr Noor Diya Ahmad Sahib writes that he hosted a social gathering in the honour of Kanwar Maharaj Singh Bahadur MA, CIE, which was attended by nearly 15,000 distinguished guests. Hafiz Sufi Ghulam Muhammad Sahib[ra], on behalf of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, delivered an address in Urdu, which left a profoundly positive impression on all the attendees regarding Islam and Ahmadiyyat.

From Holland, Miss Bud, who has been named “Hidayat” by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih [IIra], writes:
“By the grace of God, excellent opportunities for the propagation of Islam are emerging here. A society has arranged for Mr Dard’s[ra] lectures, and it is hoped that upon his arrival, further lectures will also be organised.
“As the year 1925 has just begun, I pray that this year brings blessings and victories for you and Islam Ahmadiyyat. Amin.
“Here, a monthly journal is published in the Dutch language. I wrote an article on Ahmadiyyat and submitted it to the journal, anxiously wondering whether it would be accepted or not. This is the first time in my life that I have submitted an article for a public journal. I do not consider myself worthy of having my writings published in journals, but since Allah has willed for the spread of Islam in this country, the editor informed me that my article has been accepted. Moreover, he expressed a desire for me to write more articles. Additionally, the phrase Bismillah, which I had inscribed in Arabic at the top of my article, was printed in Arabic script as a special heading at the beginning of my article. This is a positive omen for the propagation of Islam in this country.
“Encouraged by this success, I now intend to submit articles to other newspapers as well. Please pray that Allah grants me success in this endeavour as well.
“I have received the Al Fazl newspaper, for which I am grateful to you. I was able to find both my name and yours, where you translated my letter. Beyond that, I could not read much. I sincerely wish that a missionary is soon appointed for this country so that I may learn Urdu and Arabic from them.
“I had written to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra], requesting that he suggest an Islamic name for me. The community here is deeply grateful to you for purchasing and sending a book worth 20 rupees from your own pocket, as well as for contributing two pounds via money order for the publication of a brief article in the Dutch language. The two-page article that you wrote has also arrived. This is the very first gift we and my fellow countrymen have received for the propagation of Islam, and for this, the local jamaat is especially appreciative of your generosity and kindness. May Allah reward you abundantly.
“Arrangements for printing Islamic literature will, God willing, be made very soon, and you will be informed in detail. I have also decided to translate The Philosophy [of the Teachings] of Islam, written by the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, from English into Dutch so that my fellow countrymen may easily read and understand it. There is a strong possibility that an academic society here will publish and distribute it at its own expense.
“I receive letters from Sheikh Abdul Hamid Sahib. He is a kind and righteous person. I would be delighted if I could be of any service to him in this country.
“Whenever I see a Muslim excelling in any professional or personal endeavour, I feel immense joy. Muslims should strive to surpass others in both religious and worldly excellences.
“I was immensely pleased to read the address that was presented to [the Governor of Punjab, Sir William Malcolm] Hailey (1872-1969) on behalf of our Community. Upon hearing this address, Sir Hailey became convinced that the Ahmadiyya Community does not engage in senseless threats but is, in itself, a formidable force.
“The small number of our Community members is of no concern. Numerical strength holds little significance; true power lies in unity and organisation, which, by the grace of God, our community possesses.
“My heartfelt joy lies in the freedom of every Islamic nation. However, the reckless and futile attempts at achieving independence in countries such as Egypt serve no purpose other than the dissipation of their own strength. The most crucial priority should be to focus on the education and training of the nation so that when independence is attained, the country possesses skilled artisans and competent professionals in every field.
“Muslims cannot progress merely by adopting Western methods, shouting loudly, or engaging in rhetorical praise of one another. This is precisely why neither Turkey nor Russia has derived significant benefits from their independence thus far.
“I was immensely pleased to read your [Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq’sra] daughter Saeeda’s letter. I have written a response to her and will soon be sending her a few photographs of this country.”
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 26 February 1925 issue of Al Fazl)