100 Years Ago… – Jalsa Salana Qadian 1924: A spiritual journey through history

Hazrat Qazi Muhammad Zahuruddin Akmalra (1881-1966)

With the grace and mercy of God Almighty, Jalsa Salana [Qadian], held from 26 to 28 December [1924], was exceptionally vibrant and blessed. It concluded successfully, smoothly, and with remarkable efficiency.


The administrative details will be published separately. In this brief report, it suffices to say that the management was exemplary. The volunteers did their utmost to ensure the comfort of the guests. Providing for the needs of approximately 14,000 individuals is no small feat, yet, all praise be to Allah the Almighty, the arrangements were carried out with complete success. Every day, meals were served promptly, from 7 to 9 am, and again at night after the conclusion of the gathering. This year, the motor transport service was also commendable, and the arrangements for horse-drawn carriages were free of complaint.

Jalsa site

The Jalsa Gah was set up this year [1924] in the grounds of the high school near Masjid Noor. It was initially estimated that around 12,000 attendees would participate, so arrangements were made to accommodate up to 14,000 people. However, as often happens with any structure in Darul Aman, its capacity appeared insufficient once it was completed. This was precisely the case here.

During Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II’s[ra] address, all the galleries, the main courtyard of the gathering site, and the entrances were packed. Many individuals expressed dissatisfaction at not finding space. It was later determined that the number of attendees was close to 15,000. The food and registration office reported that the external guests alone numbered between 13,000 and 14,000, with 5,000 being local residents and over 8,000 coming from outside the city. There was a separate count for those requiring dietary accommodations, and an additional 2,000 women participated in the gathering, for whom separate arrangements and programmes had been made.

Dedication of volunteers

Staff and students from both schools and offices, along with other residents of Darul Aman, were actively engaged in serving the guests. Many of these individuals worked tirelessly, unable to sleep at night, and still reported to their duties during the day, even while the gathering was in progress. In my opinion, it is a great sacrifice for an Ahmadi to not be able to listen to the Khalifa’s address in order to serve others. May Allah the Almighty grant them the best of rewards.

Proceedings of the first day

On Friday, the opening session of the gathering commenced at 9:15 am with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] leading the congregation in Istighfar (seeking forgiveness) and silent prayer. Following his departure, the proceedings formally began at 9:30 am.

After the recitation of the Holy Quran and a poem, Mir Qasim Ali Sahib[ra] delivered a speech on Vedic Dharma and Islam. What a remarkable discourse it was! He metaphorically painted a vivid picture of Vedic Dharma, blending subtle humour with profound insight. Using multiple arguments, he demonstrated that Islam is a universal and completely authentic religion, while Vedic Dharma is insignificant in comparison. He further argued that adherence to the commandments of Vedic Dharma is practically impossible.

Following this, Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib[ra] presented a report of Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya. This was likely the first such report that captivated the audience, who listened with rapt attention. Mufti Sahib[ra] provided a brief account of the activities across all departments, mentioning the commendable efforts of workers from the smallest to the highest ranks.

Next, Hazrat Master Abdul Rahim Nayyar Sahib[ra] took the stage. He delivered a comprehensive account of the geographical, political, and cultural characteristics of West Africa, followed by a detailed narrative of his work there. For an hour, the audience listened attentively. His voice was clear and resonant, and his eloquent style was captivating, especially when interspersed with poetic recitations, which added to the enchantment. This concluded the first session, and the attendees proceeded to perform ablutions.

Thereafter, Huzoor[ra] came and delivered the Friday sermon. After the Jumu‘ah prayer, the second session began. Sheikh Abdur Rahman Sahib gave a discourse on the principles of prophecy and its predictions. Within an hour, he covered as much as time allowed, presenting arguments from the Holy Quran to demonstrate the concept of ijtihadi mistakes […], using refined reasoning.

Following this, Maulvi Muhammad Sarwar Shah Sahib[ra] spoke on the topic of the death of Jesusas. He offered unique interpretations from the Holy Quran and presented a new argument based on a hadith of the Holy Prophetsa. This concluded the second session, marking the end of the first day’s proceedings.

Proceedings of the second day

The second day’s proceedings began on time. Chaudhry Zafarullah Khan Sahib[ra], (Barrister-at-Law), delivered a lecture titled The Islamic Shariah: Its Relevance for Modern Times and All Nations. Chaudhry Sahib[ra] eloquently addressed the subject with great expertise, shedding light on multiple aspects. However, due to time constraints, he could only outline some key points [toward the end] without explaining them in detail. It is hoped that he will compile and publish his detailed discourse.

At 10:30 am, it was time for Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib’s[ra] speech. He narrated the wonderful life events of the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, creating an emotional atmosphere where hearts melted and inclined toward the Divine. Mufti Sahib’s[ra] naturally endearing style of speech was further elevated by the subject matter, which encompassed the description of the beloved of God Almighty, [i.e., Hazrat Ahmadas].

Next, Khan Sahib Zulfiqar Ali Khan[ra] presented a brief report on Nazarat (administration). Following this, Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Sahib[ra] delivered a speech on the Propagation of Islam among Non-Muslim Communities in India. His address was marked by fervour; while presenting factual accounts, his captivating presentation deeply inspired the audience. He vividly highlighted the need for this endeavour, elucidated its spiritual and worldly benefits, and proposed practical methods ensuring success. This concluded the first session of the second day, after which the Zuhr and Asr prayers were offered combined.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] then delivered a four-hour-long address from 3 to 7 pm, during which he exposed the reality of Bahá’ísm in such a manner that its falsehoods and misrepresentations became unmistakably evident. Huzoor[ra] narrated the history of this group and, using their own beliefs and authoritative texts, demonstrated that Mirza Husayn Ali had claimed divinity.

Proceedings of the third day

The third day’s proceedings began promptly on time. Maulvi Ghulam Rasul Sahib Rajeki[ra] presented some prophecies of the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, and explained how the existence of Hazrat Syedna Mahmud[ra] and every moment of his life is a testament to those prophecies. At 10:45 am, Hafiz Roshan Ali Sahib[ra] delivered a speech on the truthfulness of the Promised Messiahas. He provided evidence for the finality of prophethood, the continuation of prophethood after the Seal of the Prophetssa, and the authenticity of the prophethood of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas. Every statement of his was heart-touching, and attendees from all walks of life benefitted greatly. The speech concluded at 11:15 am.

Following this, Nazir Baitul Mal presented a financial report. He gave a comparative analysis of all Anjumans and outlined the financial needs of the Jamaat before the attendees.

Since Huzoor[ra] has been elevated to the station of Khilafat, it has been a deliberate practice not to emphasise donations during the annual gatherings, as the purpose of this event is not to collect money but to bring the Ahmadiyya Community together for spiritual advancement. Nevertheless, contributions were made during the session, while many had already submitted their donations directly to the treasury office or did so later. After this, the Zuhr and Asr prayers were offered combined.

Around 3:30 pm, Huzoor[ra] arrived at the gathering. That day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] was scheduled to address the women. The speech began at 3 pm and continued until 8:45 pm.

In the beginning, Huzoor[ra] discussed the martyrdom of Maulvi Nematullah Khan Sahibrh. He elaborated on how Islam does not prescribe death as a punishment for apostasy and presented insightful interpretations of several Quranic verses to substantiate this point. He also supported his argument with sahih ahadith. Toward the end, Huzoor[ra] remarked that don’t consider the Amir of Kabul as the murderer of Maulvi Nematullah Khanrh, but in fact, the corrupt ideologies that provoke hostility against the believers [are the culprit]. He emphasised that our form of retribution should be to eradicate such ideologies from people’s hearts using irrefutable arguments and compelling evidence. During this mention, the eyes were filled with emotions and tears.

Afterwards, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] narrated the events of his travels to Islamic countries and Europe, highlighting 23 benefits that resulted from the journey. He also identified the obstacles to the propagation of Islam and explained the responsibility of the Ahmadiyya Community in addressing these challenges.

After this enlightening speech, Jalsa Salana [Qadian] concluded with a silent prayer.


Although Huzoor’s[ra] health had been frail for some time and he was experiencing extreme weakness, it was by the special grace of Allah the Almighty that he delivered a six-hour-long speech while standing throughout.

Additionally, every evening and again after the Fajr prayer until 10 am, Huzoor[ra] provided an opportunity for members of all jamaats to meet with him individually. Master Ali Muhammad Sahib BA BT, the private secretary, ensured that all attendees were afforded every possible convenience for these meetings. May Allah the Almighty grant him the best of rewards.


The stage management was entrusted to Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib[ra], with two naibeen: Hafiz Roshan Ali Sahib[ra] and Maulvi Jalaluddin Shams Sahib[ra]. The stage was quite spacious, and the arrangements were excellent.


May Allah the Almighty enable us to fully benefit from the spiritual and physical blessings of this gathering. Amin.

(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 3 January 1925 issue of Al Fazl)

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