Al Fazl, 16-20 September 1920
Hazrat Maulvi Abdur Rahim Nayyarra
Address to the Promised Messiah
If the blessed prophet of Qadian was alive on this earth today, I would have said:
“Dear Ahmad! Syedna Promised Messiah! You are the prophet of God, the reflection of the messenger of God, Muhammadsa of Arabia, the triumphant commander of the army of Islam and the glorious sultan [king] of the Heavenly Kingdom. You appeared and every prophet came alive. Your coming has revived the dead. You made the earthly [people] heavenly. Your earthly body is buried in the holy land of Qadian; but O holy Mahdi! The bestower of [spiritual] life to the [spiritually] dead and the exhibitor of signs of the Unseen [God], you are conquering the lands of hearts in the East and the West. You are shinning like a bright star from the horizon of the West and waking up the white dormant people of the Europe.
“O chosen messenger of Allah! Your servants who are conveying your message feel that the truth is reaching the hearts, and the supporters of the son of Mary are retreating from their place. Those who await the coming of the Messiah are deeply in love with your holy name and eager to hear your teaching. Blessed are you and blessed is your Khalifa, and surely, very fortunate are your soldiers who are fully certain to sever Abu Jahl’s head with a wooden sword. They are utilising every possible opportunity to show the glory of your God and convey the message of your arrival and also witnessing the heavenly support along with it.
اللھم صل علی محمد وعلی عبدک المسیح الموعود
“‘O Allah, bless Muhammad and Your servant, the Promised Messiah.’”
A gift to Ahmad’s messenger from the servant of Jesus
It is yesterday’s incident that Nayyar and Sayal were sitting in the Ahmadiyya Library, London. Keeping in view their difficulties of tabligh, they were discussing the significant impact of outdoor lectures. They were fully convinced that the final victory belonged to that Islam, which the Promised Messiahas taught, and they had the joyful hope that one day, his work would be fruitful; this was a source of solace to their hearts.
In that hour of immersion, a slight knock on the door called our attention towards it. As soon as Nayyar opened the door, he found a noble, high class religious woman holding a parcel in her hand, waiting for someone to come out from inside to receive the gift.
Immediately after she saw the residents of Dar-ul-Tabligh [mission house] Ahmadiyya, the lady said, “Are you the ones who give sermons in the park?” Receiving the answer in the affirmative, the noble lady very respectfully handed over the parcel and said, “Here is some fruit for you.” The parcel was gladly accepted and a gift of Ahmadiyya literature was given to her as an expression of gratitude. When the parcel was opened, pear, peaches and plums were found wrapped inside a cloth in a beautiful box of fruit.
However, the thing that expressed the condition of that lady’s heart more than the fruits are the words that were written [on a piece of paper] and placed inside the parcel of the fruit box. They are as follows:
“A small gift
“From the servant of the dear Jesus to the messenger of Ahmad, servant of the Most High God with respectful complement.” We wish for those people who are reluctant to believe in the Promised Messiahas as the prophet of God and consider mentioning his holy name to be a deadly poison to come to London and see these people who present Ahmadas to the world considering him to be an elixir; so that they may [witness] that these people are being given the honourable title of Prophet Ahmad’sas messenger and getting tribute from those who love Prophet Jesusas of Nazareth.
A seeker of truth
A noble young man by the name of Mr John Carter is under the tabligh of Ahmadiyya missionaries these days. He has studied the translation of the first chapter of the Holy Quran and the book, The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam. After studying the Teachings of Islam, he wrote in his last letter:
“The study of this book had a profound effect on me. I do not think that I have ever read another book like it. I would be very grateful if you could send me more literature on Islam.”
Brother Leader Mahmood
Our new and dear brother, James William Mahmood Leader, writes in a letter:
“The world has never been in need of God’s hand as it is today. The writing is on the wall and it is very important [to do something] today. The worship of the golden calf is at its peak. Nations are invading nations to gain the upper hand. The followers of Christianity have failed and they have made a god by embodying their own thoughts. Islam is needed all over the world. As the lightning sparks from the east and flashes in the west, so will the coming of the son of Adam be.
“The world today is in great need of moral and religious education than ever before. The worship of one God and the feeling of compassion for mankind are waning. The churches of Christianity have failed. Now is the time for Islam to fill the void. May God accept the prayers of Syedna Ahmadas.”
Tell us about Ahmad
By the grace of God Almighty, extremely intelligent and learned people are getting acquainted with the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. The slogan “Tell us about Ahmadas” is frequently raised in every Jalsa. Stimulated by the outdoor speeches, a significant number of seekers of truth are coming to Dar-ul-Dawat [tabligh house] to gain knowledge. We are hopeful from Allah the Almighty that people will soon accept the truth.”
Newborn Masud
Brother JP Saeed Wilson of Minster has been granted a son by Allah the Almighty. This English Ahmadi child has been named Masud. May Allah make him a blessing for his parents and the Jamaat. Amin.
Another gift
Miss Victoria Norton is a serious, polite, educated and decent lady, who was influenced after listening to our speeches. She is studying Ahmadiyya literature, and holds missionaries in high regard. To express the feelings of her heart, this kindhearted lady made a very nice and high quality cake for us yesterday, which was decorated with the word “Indian” to express her devotion. Allah the Almighty sees the hearts and rewards sincerity. We are hopeful that He will enlighten this virtuous lady with the light of Islam.
Come forward and go forth, as your time is nigh
We are amazed at the people who used to say that it is inappropriate to even mention the name of the Promised Messiahas.
As mentioned earlier, people now insist themselves and ask about Prophet Ahmadas. Even the invitations to the lectures that we receive from outside often include [requests] that they should be informed about Ahmadas. We do not contrive or put in any special effort. The list of the lectures is presented to the people and only one in 20 lectures is on the Promised Messiahas. People also listen to other subjects with keen interest, but our present experience is that whenever a society invites us for lectures, it makes us deliver a lecture on the Promised Messiahas. One reason behind it is that the Christian world, which is attached with religion, is waiting even more than Muslims for the second coming of the Messiah.
People are feeling frustrated by setting countless time limits [for the Messiah’s return]. Hence, it is the right of those people to be informed about the Messiah’s second coming who are sincerely religious, possess some spiritual yearning and have the light of faith within them.
Moreover, they are anxious because the Messiah has not returned. If this [message of the Promised Messiah’sas arrival] is not conveyed, it will be a grave sin in the sight of Allah the Almighty and a great injustice to them.
In the same way, the dejection and despair of Muslims can only be removed through this good news.
Chaudhry Sahib, based on his experience in Paris, expressed that the sad and disappointed Muslims who have gathered in Paris from Africa, Arab, Central Asian countries, Russia, etc., were very happy to hear the news that Allah the Almighty had raised a person in India who announced against all the odds that the days of the glory of Islam were near. God willing, the Russians and also the English people will soon become Muslims.
In this way, the nights of sorrow of the Muslim nations will turn into days of happiness. Consequently, Allah the Almighty will wipe away the tears of the Muslims with His hand, just as a mother wipes the face of her beloved child. There is no reason to be sad because the days of happiness and joy have come.
بخرام کہ وقت تو نزدیک رسید و پائے محمدیاں برمنار بلند تر محکم افتاد
“Now, come forward and go forth, as your time is near. The time is now coming that the people of Muhammad will be lifted from the pit and their steps will be planted firmly on a strong tower.”
Seekers of truth
In addition to the [above mentioned encouraging] circumstances, the following people also came to seek the truth:
Mr Carter, Miss Norton, Miss Aaron, Mr Shaw, Mrs Shiherd, Miss Baker, Mrs DeLoria and two other ladies who have not yet given their addresses. Some Indian and Egyptian gentlemen. Among the old Ahmadi Muslims, Abdullah Bottomlay, Brother Shelley, Mrs Dolly and a couple of other old Muslims came to visit. When the accounts of the Promised Mahdias were narrated, they said with great surprise, “Why did Khawaja Sahib not mention these things?”
It was explained to them that they had some financial difficulties and particularly, if they openly mention the name of the Promised Messiahas, they would be expelled from Woking.
However, we are hopeful that when these people will no longer need help, they will abandon this expedient silence and spread the message of the second Ahmadas. Letters filled with brotherly connection and affection were received from Brother Muhammad Yunus Abdullah Chris and Mrs Saeeda Wilson. We request members of the Jamaat to pray that the above mentioned people may advance in faith and be reformed.
Ahmadiyya Mosque [in London]
Dear friends! Congratulations that by the grace of Allah the Almighty, land has been purchased for the Ahmadiyya Mosque, London. Efforts will be made to complete the mosque in six months, insha-Allah. Apart from a residential house, the purchased piece of land has a garden of fruit trees in an area of more than one acre and the mosque will be built in it, insha-Allah. With the blessings of Allah, a thing that was once ridiculed by some is now becoming a reality. Alhamdolillah, summa alhamdolillah, summa alhamdolillah.