The Moslem Sunrise, July 1922
Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra (1872-1957)

Since the last magazine was published, I have delivered many lectures, distributed literature and given interviews on Islam in different cities and towns – i.e., Detroit, Grand Rapids, Benton Harbor, South Bend, Niles, Dowagiac, Chicago, etc. The correspondence during the last quarter was carried on to the extent of about 500 receipts and 2500 dispatches.
Permanent quarters of our [Ahmadiyya] Mission have now been established in Chicago where I have bought a large house – a part of which with necessary alterations has been fixed up into a Mosque and the rest decorated and furnished as the Mission House and the office of The Moslem Sunrise. This building owned by the Ahmadia Movement is situated on Wabash Ave. and 45th Street, Northwest Corner. We appreciate the pains taken by our dear Brother Muhammed Yaqub (Mr Andrew Jacob) – carpenter, in making the Mehrab and the Gumbad (Arch and Dome) of the Mosque.
I am thankful to Brother JB Khan Ahmadi and other brethren in Detroit for offering arrangements for my permanent staying in Detroit, but I think Chicago is a better place for our central office in this country than any other city and therefore I have established a Central Mission here. However, our missionaries will be touring around and visiting Detroit as often as possible.
We have thankfully received letters of appreciation of our work for Islam from His Majesty Amir Feisul’s Ministry of Education, Foreign Minister’s office of His Sublime Porte of Turkey, The Afghan Embassy in London and other Moslem celebrities.
Mr Muhammad Yusuf Khan delivered an interesting lecture on Islam in a Church in Rockford, Michigan.
Missionary epistles
Missionary epistles were written on behalf of the Ahmadia Order in America and some literature [was] sent to:
1. Dr Adolph Lorenz, the distinguished Viennese Surgeon when he was devoting his time to cure the cripples in this country with his special treatment
2. General Smuts on successfully suppressing the Johannesburg rebellion
3. Mr Montague, sympathizing with him on resignation
4. Viscount Peel on accepting the office of Secretary of State for India
5. King Fuad I of Egypt on his inaugurating the New Regime
6. Sarwat Pasha on making the first cabinet of the Egyptian Kingdom
7. “Wacinyanpi” – Leader of Sioux Tribe
8. Professor Robert H Goddard, the Scientist, who intends to make a trip to the Moon aboard a rocket
9. Mr Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury
10. Famous Millionaire John D Rockefeller
11. George F Baker, the second richest man in the United States and
12. Sir Arthur J Balfour on an earldom conferred on him
13. [José] Capablanca, the World’s Chess Champion
14. Attorney Untermeyer, on his stopping grain gambling in the Corn Exchange
15. King Alexander of Jugo-Slavia and Princess Mary with congratulations on their marriage.
In reply to our epistles to Pope Pius XI and the Vatican Secretary mentioned in the previous number of The Moslem Sunrise, the following communication has been received from Rome:
di Sua Santita
Dal Vaticano, April 21st, 1922.
No. 2620
Da citarsi nella pisposta
“Dear Sir,
“Your letter conveying sympathy on the death of Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XV, on your own part and on behalf of your respected community was duly received. The kind sentiments therein expressed with regard to the deceased Pontiff have been very consoling to me as His Secretary of State.
“His Holiness, Pope XI, desires me to express to you how profoundly grateful he feels for your good wishes to him in his Pontificate, and he joins in your hope for peace and union among the nations.
“Faithfully yours, (Signed) PC GASPARI”
Mr Thaker D Sharman’s lecture on Prophet Muhammadsa
May Allah reward Mr Thaker D Sharman for his lectures in Detroit on the life and teachings of our Master Prophet[sa] delivered in a favorable and sympathetic light, thus removing some of the misconceptions concerning Islam from the minds of the American public.
I am grateful to the friends who offered sincere prayers for my health on hearing the news of my late sickness. May Allah accept all the prayers of those who offer prayers for Sadiq. Even my soul and spirit after separation from this body will continue helping my lovers with prayers to Allah the Great. Brother Kabiruddin Ahmad writes, “On reading your will in Al Fazl, my eyes streamed out with grief and my wife and son joined with me in that condition.” Brother Akbar Ali writes, “My wife and myself cried in prayers to Allah, till my wife was assured of the acceptance of our prayers for your health.” Many letters expressing such feelings of love and sympathy I have received. Jaza-ho-mal-la-hul Khair.
Interpreter and guide
To the parties who intend to visit India, Burma, Ceylon, Strait Settlements and the countries near there, we recommend Muhammad Ali Khan of Babuzai Street, Shahjehanpur, UP India, as an experienced, reliable Targuman [interpreter]. On getting a cablegram Mr MA Khan will receive the party at Bombay, Colombo, or any other desired seaport.
Ahmadia news from other countries
Brother MH Musa Khan, our missionary in Australia, is regularly publishing and circulating his valuable periodical “The Moslem Sunshine” of which the tenth number is now on our table. It contains an interesting comparison of the Promised Messiah’s statement with what the Christian writers have said of Islamic Sword and Pen. His address is Box No. 305 GPO., Perth, Australia.
Maulvi Fazlur Rahman Hakeem has reached West Africa to assist Professor Nayyar and has been put in charge of the Mission work in Gold Coast with his headquarters at Salt Pond. We wish him success and good luck. Professor Nayyar is busy in organizing and educating the thousands of new converts he has secured in that land.
Our young volunteer, missionary Shaikh Mahmud Ahmad, son of Shaikh Yaqub Ali, the Pioneer Journalist of Ahmadia Movement, having crossed the ocean has pitched his missionary tent in Cairo, Egypt. We do hope that his work will be for the glorification of Allah.
We are glad to hear that an English Weekly named “Al-Bushra” has been started at our headquarters, Quadian, Punjab, India. The rapid growth of Quadian citizenship is a sign of the time to fulfil the prophecy of the Prophet [Ahmadas].
Our strenuous workers in London are gradually gaining learned and respectable increase to our members in that land.
Numerous inquiries
We have received the following letter from “The Information Bureau,” Washington, DC:
“This Bureau is in receipt of numerous inquiries regarding the spread of Islam in America.
“We understand that your magazine – The Moslem Sunrise, has lately been published to meet this situation.” […]
New converts
Since the last report in the No. 3 [issue of The Moslem Sunrise], the following 116 gentlemen and ladies have accepted Islam in the Ahamdia Movement and signed the above agreement. Their American names as well as their Moslem names are given below with the name of the state in which they live:
Mrs Sandy Williams (Sa’ady), Illinois; Mr Cuba Fields (Ahsan), Illinois; Mr Henry Qallaway (Shakir), Illinois; Mr Robert Ellis (Farooq), Illinois; Mr Harvey Fauggens (Akram) Illinois; Mr Clark King (Saeeda), Illinois; Mr Arthur Rucker (Khaer), Illinois; Mr Mary Joseph (Saeeda), Illinois; Mr Henry Douglar (Amjad), Illinois; Miss Lena R Gardener (Jannat), Illinois; Mr Jeff Wallen (Ahmad), Illinois; Mrs Colonial Dugger (Nasirah), Illinois; Mr James Buchanan (Haidar), Illinois; Mr Samuel W Rhyne (Ally), Illinois; Mr Raymond Halliday (Omar), Illinois; Mr P Nathaniel Jonson (Sheikh Ahmad Din), Missouri; Mr JW Busbin (Abdur Rahman), Illinois; Mr Elmore Taylor (Abdul Jaleel), Illinois; Mr John Brooks (Abdur Raheem), Illinois; Mr Harry Brown (Akbar), Illinois; Mr Joseph Carbin Davis (Abdullah), Illinois; Mrs Adder Walter (Fatima), Illinois; Mr Joseph Clarence White (Ahmad), Illinois; Mrs May Zahra (Selma), Michigan; Mrs Mary Chambers (Mariam), Illinois; Mr Alours Booth (Muhammad), Illinois; Miss Alberta Walter (Hamdi), Illinois; Mr Cas Williams (Daood), Missouri; Mr Alfred Lemons (Adam), Missouri; Mrs P Nathaniel Jonson (Fatima), Missouri; Mr Alexander Walker (Shafee), Missouri; Mr SF Ruffin (Laeeq), Missouri; Mrs Ida Redding (Hafsa), Missouri; Mrs James H Emmanuel (Hafeez), Missouri; Mr Will Sims (Jameel Ahmad), Missouri; Mr Argenia Carter (Salika), Missouri; Mr OB Swain (Aziz Ahmad), Missouri; Mr Joe Campbell (Muhammad), Missouri; Mrs Sarah L Stickney (Safeeah), Michigan; Mrs H Carr (Naeema), Michigan; Mr William McSwain (Usman), Illinois; Miss Hatie Huford (Sikkeena), Illinois; Mrs Florence Watts (Zeineb), Illinois; Mr Isom Harrolld (Rasheed), Illinois; Mr John Wesley Avant (Hassan), Missouri; Mr Alex James (Hossian). Missouri; Mr Douglas Gaines (Ahsan), Missouri; Mr Lewis Graham (Ihsan), Missouri; Mr WM Fields (Hakeem), Missouri; Mr JH Humphries (Hakim), Missouri; Mr Chas Williams (Kamil), Missouri; Mr Dennon Draper (Habeeb), Illinois; Mrs Bessie Porter (Barkat), Illinois; Mr Jess McNab (Mobarik), Illinois; Mrs F Robinson (Ahmadia), Illinois; Mr George W Shaw (Haleem), Illinois; Mrs Amanda Teasley (Azeemah), Illinois; Mr James Teasley (Azeez), Illinois; Mr Robert Graham (Badr Deen), Missouri; Mr James Swase (Mahmud Din) Missouri; Mr Will Sims (Sadiq Din), Missouri; Mr D McChanahan (Siddiq Din), Missouri; Mr James H Emmanuel (Kareem Din), Missouri; Mr Carl Aldridge (Raheem Din), Missouri; Mr Roy Brown (Basheer Din), Missouri; Mr Henry Daniels (Muhammad Din), Missouri; Mr Chas Wolf (Karam Din), Missouri; Mr Frank Washington (Fazl Din), Missouri; Mrs Fannie Young (Sughra), Missouri; Mr Ophelia Avant (Noor), Missouri; Mr Eddy New Smith (Kubra), Mo Mr Martha Ors (Faizy), Missouri; Mr James Orumby (Ahmad), Illinois; Mr Adam Jackson (Adam), Illinois; Mr Nicie Jackson (Naeema), Illinois; Mr Mary Smith (Mariam), Illinois; Mr Tom Taylor (Abdulhaq), Illinois; Mr William Proctor (Abdur Rahman), Illinois; Mr Pricella Brooks (Raheema), Illinois; Mrs VC Clark (Ayesha), Illinois; Mr Willis Yocum (Muhammad Yar), Illinois; Mrs Parabee Thomas (Khairat), Illinois; Mrs BG Sullivan (Burkut), Illinois; Mr Henry Kimbram (Hamid), Illinois; Mr Jennie Cole (Muhammad), Illinois; Mr Elijah Smith (Mahmud), Illinois; Mrs Anna Brown (Hameedah), Illinois; Mr Allen Brown (Ahmad), Illinois; Mr Robert Marshall (Hameed), Illinois; Mr Milton Diamond (Ahmad), Missouri; Mr Robert C Jackson (Aboo Bekr), Missouri; Miss Helen M Kent (Khadeeja), Missouri; Mrs Fred Carter (Omar), Missouri; Mr M Brooks (Osman), Missouri; Mr Edward Sheffield (Allie), Missouri; Mr Wiley Alexander (Hassan), Missouri; Mr Lewis Mitchell (Hussain), Missouri; Mr James Black (Zobeir), Missouri; Mr Robert Wisdom (Khalid), Missouri; Mr James Haliberton (Abdullah), Missouri; Mr John Smith (Moosa), Missouri; Mr Frank Brown (Ibrahim), Missouri; Mr Robert D Jones (Salauddin), Missouri; Mr Algie Martin (Siddick), Missouri; Mr RL Graham (Hamid), Missouri; Miss May Francis Graham (Aeysha), Missouri; Mr Chas Wells (Hameed), Missouri; Mr Robert Arthur Robinson (Jalil Ahmad); Mrs Roseta Buford (Fatima), Illinois; Mr John Overton (Habeeb Ahmad); Mr S Casey (Akbar), Missouri; Mr Andrew Dugger (Rahimullah), Illinois; Mr Mathew Rochelle (Azeemullah), Illinois; Mr John Williams (Rahmatullah), Illinois; Mr Eugene Charles (Sameeullah), Illinois; Mr Charles Watts (Kareemullah), Illinois.
[Names of] Moslems [who] joined Ahmadia Movement
Mr Allie Riza Mohammad (Muftizada of Turkey), Detroit, Michigan; Mr Ozair Yahyai (of Albania), Dowagiac, Michigan.
(Transcribed by Al Hakam from the original published in The Moslem Sunrise, July 1922)