Al Fazl, 26 July 1920
Hazrat Maulvi Abdur Rahim Nayyarra
Mention of Ahmadiyyat in English Press
A popular magazine in the UK, British Empire Union, has published an article of Maulvi Fateh Muhammad Sayal Sahib entitled, The Union of East and West in its June Number. In this article, Maulvi Sahib has expressed that the British Empire is no longer just an English government as it also includes Hindus, Muslims, Egyptians, Abyssinians and the people from the East and the West.
Thus, the policy of this empire should now be such as to unite the East and the West, and it should make the people of this empire understand that the interests of the British Empire are not just that of the East or the West, but the British interests and stakes are the same that humanity demands.
This conciliatory attitude of the rulers of the empire will strengthen peace-building movements such as the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat and establish a permanent relationship and union between the UK and India.
Another article of Maulvi Sahib, which is the second part of the above mentioned article, will be published in the same magazine next month, insha-Allah.
Sermon in Hyde Park
“The Ahmadia Movement
Blessed is Allah, the Lord of the Universe, who raised the Prophet Ahmad in the East as foretold at the crying need of humanity. Blessed are those who accept the truth. Enquiries invited. 4 Star St. Edgware Road. London. W”
The above text has been copied from a board which Maulvi Qazi Abdullah BA BT had prepared for tabligh of Ahmadiyyat at the entrance to London’s famous Hyde Park. It is now being used by the missionaries of Ahmadiyyat to convey the message of truth to the British men and women.

By the grace of Allah the Almighty, they are announcing that good news with great excellence
which the world has received through the Promised Messiahas. The recitation of the Holy Quran immediately draws people to gather around the Ahmadi preacher and the number of audience around the Ahmadi stand continues to increase at the expense of the speakers who preach to worship a man as God.
Last Sunday, the sermon lasted for five consecutive hours and the Ahmadi missionary conveyed the message of Islam as presented by the Promised Messiahas to a large group of English ladies and gentlemen.
After the speeches, a series of questions and answers continued and people themselves requested for Ahmadiyya literature and enthusiastically accepted it, alhamdolillah.
Brother Augusto’s speech
On the evening of 13 June [1920], the speech of Brother Muhammad Abdul L’Awel Augusto, Mir [Sadr] Majlis Anjuman Ahmadiyya, Lagos was held on the subject of Islam in Nigeria at the Ahmadiyya Lecture Room.
The erudite speaker eloquently explained that Islam first reached northern Nigeria from Egypt via Sudan and from there, the true religion spread in the South of Nigeria. The former religion of Nigeria was idolatry. He [said], “It is right if I say that the spread of Islam in Nigeria occurred exactly in the same way as it happened in India.”
Brother Augusto then referred to the evil rituals of idolaters and the persecution of new Muslims. He elucidated in relation to India, saying that just as the cow is considered sacred in India, the ram is considered holy to Nigerian idolaters. Moreover, the water of Nigeria is to them as pure as the water of Ganges is to the Hindus.
In the last part of his speech, after narrating the interesting events of the promulgation of Islam, our dear brother mentioned the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. He narrated all the accounts which I have already mentioned in one of my previous letters. He heartily said that Muslims were becoming Christians and educated people were showing displeasure towards Islam after being upset with the degenerate condition of Muslims. Then the mercy arrived in the form of Ahmadiyyat and the thirsty souls eagerly applied the goblet of water to their mouths, which had descended from the heavens on time. By God’s grace, despite the opposition of prejudiced, narrow minded and ritualistic people, Ahmadiyyat is progressing in Nigeria and will continue to prosper, insha-Allah.
Speech of Brother Zubair
Another respected and sincere young man from the Nigeria Jamaat, Mr Zubair is staying in London with his Christian uncle whilst going to America on a business trip. He was also present in the Jalsa. After the speech, the young Ahmadi praised God and said:
“We are grateful to Brother Augusto and praise Allah the Almighty that the message of Ahmadiyyat reached us through him and we accepted the Promised Messiahas. If Ahmadiyyat had not reached Nigeria, a group of young Muslims, including me, was ready to become Christians.”
Another new Muslim Mr William Arthur, a Nigerian and longtime Christian, came to Ahmadiyya Dar-ul-Dawat [mission house] through Mr Aziz Brown, Secretary United African Brotherhood and listened to the speeches of missionaries.
In addition to the missionaries, Mr Muhammad Suleiman Faith and Fatima Kathleen also called him to Islam. After the doubts were dispelled and a week of further deliberations had elapsed, Mr William accepted Islam with full conviction of heart. He has been named Waliullah from William Arthur. May Allah grant him perseverance.
Refusal to take a holy child
A children’s home, located in Masham, was presented a gift of the holy child’s idol by the mothers and sisters of Lloyd Square Convent, i.e. the Roman Catholic children. However, the Holborn Board of Guardian Council, through the majority’s opinion, refused to take the sacred child on the grounds of religious objections.
Do you know this holy child whose idol has been crafted? This holy child is Jesus, son of Mary, a messenger to the Israelites, who is worshipped as an idol by the Roman Catholics, both apparently and inwardly. On the other hand, Protestants deny the apparent idolatry but they worship him inwardly.
We pray to God that this idol worship ends completely and this holy child be accepted with his original status, who is the actual Jesus of the Holy Quran [as described by the word] mahd [cradle].