Al Hakam, 21-28 February 1920
Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira, First Editor of Al Hakam

I have an inseparable relationship with Al Hakam, but due to the emergence of certain factors in the past, I have been unable to perform some services with respect to Al Hakam, which was the mission and primary objective of my life. I am certainly helpless under the given circumstances, but I am not at all happy [in this state].
It is impossible to express my heart’s condition. Words are not enough for its portrayal. I am grateful to God and many thanks to Him that by His grace and mercy, He gave the strength to respected Sheikh Mahmud Ahmad Sahib to take the same work in his hands that his father initiated through a special inspiration for 20 years and perform it devotedly. Allahumma zid fa zid [O Allah, increase him in what You have granted him].
What could be more fortunate for me than the fact that my child is keen on serving religion! The new editor has generously honoured me with the title of Chief Editor. However, I would like the following to be written on the front page of Al Hakam in future:
Yaqub Ali Turab Ahmad Irfani
Ibn Yaqub Mahmud Ahmad
I did not introduce the word “Irfani” with my name. Possessing a desire in my heart, I have taken it from that saying of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II, may Allah be his helper, which he expressed, owing to his benevolence towards the meek and gracious presumption, while mentioning the editor of Al Hakam on the occasion of this year’s Jalsa. He said that dedication cannot be achieved without irfan [divine insight]. I do not have the exact reference, but I have presented the contextual meaning.
Hence, it may well be possible that the words spoken from the mouth of the resolute [Khalifa] are fulfilled by the Benevolent Lord. I have added “Irfani” to my name to seek good omen. People should call me by the same name. It is easy for me to sacrifice thousands of worldly honours over the saying that came out of my master’s mouth. I request members [of the Jamaat] to also pray that ultimately, I attain the station of irfan. I do not say it as a formality.
I say it as an actual fact that do I not hold any rights over you as a servant of Al Hakam? If I do say this – and I certainly do – then look! In keeping with the words that came out of the Promised Messiah’sas mouth, we should continue to maintain the arm [Al Hakam] of the Promised Messiahas. It will be a blessing for you. In the most desperate times of the Jamaat, God Almighty has given Al Hakam the honour of true guidance.
Thus, by supporting it, you will not suffer any loss. Thinking that it might be considered self-projection, I have never mentioned this before. However, today, knowing that keeping it a secret would be a sin, I want to tell you that Al Hakam is a sign of God. It is a sign of the Promised Messiahas. Al Hakam was part of the prophecy about the outcome of judicial cases because enemies had filed a case against the Promised Messiahas and on the other hand, Al Hakam had built a case against the enemies, in which the accusers were punished in such a manner that they will be remembered forever.
Hence, Al Hakam was a winner in that grand victory and it was a sign of God. Therefore, making an effort for its establishment is as if the sign of the Jamaat is kept alive. 250 rupees a month are required for the permanent expenses of Al Hakam. This amount can be achieved if a hundred organisations of the Jamaat give 30 rupees per annum. If this support is received by Al Hakam, by the grace of God, I can manage to run Al Hakam as a useful journal in the most suitable manner.
There are some old sincere associates of Al Hakam who never hesitate to sacrifice money for it. I hope that … they will continue to sacrifice their money for the sake of Al Hakam. I hope that they consider to end this series of appeals forever. From today onwards, a fundraiser will be opened in Al Hakam by the name of “Permanent fund for the assistance of Al Hakam.”
I start this [fundraiser] by the name of Makhdoom Khan Sahib Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Sahib, new assistant, Gilgit, who once promised to give ten rupees a month to support Al Hakam on my appeal and kept donating for a while. I am certain that he will continue to do so. Thereafter, I write the name of a noble person who promised to give me five rupees a month without my request. In fact, I was inspired by him to launch an appeal.
So today, I open a column by the name of “Permanent Fund for the assistance of Al Hakam.” All those amounts will be listed that shall be promised by the people. This column will be closed as soon as the amount of 250 rupees will be achieved. People should not worry about offering any sum of money because this matter holds no importance in the way of sincerity and faithfulness. They should remember this couplet of the Promised Messiahas:
ایکہ داری مقدرت ہم عزم تائیدات دیں
لطف کن ما را نظر بر اندک و بسیار نیست
“Those who possess the power and have a desire to serve religion; They should offer as much as they can without worrying if they are giving less or more.”
Permanent fund for the assistance of Al Hakam
1.Khan Sahib Maulvi Ghulam Muhammad Khan Sahib, New Assistant Political Company, Gilgit. (10 rupees per month)
2.Seith Abdullah Bhai Allah Din Sahib, Sikandrabad, Deccan. (5 rupees per month)
3.Sahibzada Syed Hameed Rizvi, General Building Contractor, Bombay [now Mumbai]. (5 rupees per month)
Required: 250 rupees
Remaining: 230 rupees
Joint Editor Sahib has published one of my lectures on “Khilafat-e-Siddique,” which is, in fact, the notes of my lecture that was delivered in 1917 on a special occasion in Bombay. By the grace of God, it not only gained popularity but also became a cornerstone of the Bombay mission. I will be writing for Al Hakam on a permanent basis from next week. Billahit-taufiq [All strength comes from Allah].
Readers will view my article in the coming week. I sense a lot of flaws and imperfections in Al Hakam. I will focus on improving them gradually. All these matters require money. Members of the Jamaat should render their servant free from want [of expenses] and pray for him as well.