Al Fazl, 1 October 1918

Eid prayer in London
In London, the capital of the British Empire, Hazrat Mufti Sadiq led the Eid-ul-Fitr prayer in the Ahmadiyya mosque situated at 4 Star Street, W2. In the sermon he expounded on the excellences of Islam. It had been announced beforehand that numerous Muslims and non-Muslims were gathered. Some women also participated in the prayer. All praise be to God that the Islamic Eid was well-attended in this city.
Acceptance of Islam
Two young ladies, the names of whom are Miss Flori and Miss Anni, accepted Islam through Hazrat Mufti Sahib. They were given the Islamic names, Fahima and Naima. All praise be to Allah, the Bai‘at forms of both have been sent before Hazrat Khalifatul Masih [for approval]. [Editor: They have arrived]
In Northern England, the tabligh efforts of Qazi Sahib are gaining a great deal of success. A report of those who accepted Islam and testified to its truthfulness at his hand, will Inshallah be given in the following post. In Hastings, Hazrat Mufti Sahib’s lecture on the languages of Arabic and Hebrew was very successful. People of an educated stature gathered to listen to this lecture. Having expertly proven the superiority of the Arabic language above all others, Hazrat Mufti Sahib mentioned that Arabic was the very language that was the most apt and worthy for the final law – the Holy Quran.
The work of this mission is progressing as each day passes. Hazrat Mufti Sahib received one hundred and seventy-five and dispatched four hundred and fifty letters in the month of July. Four lectures occurred and almost two hundred books and pamphlets were distributed for free.
Abdul Hay Maulvi Fazil [Degree in Islamic studies]
London, 13 August 1918
Dear Sir, Assalamo Alaikum. I am, by the grace of the Almighty, in good health. I hope that you will learn the news of great success in the next post, Insha-Allah. Qazi Sahib has not returned as of yet. I have received correspondence from India. It consisted of letters from 1 to 30 June. Please remember me in your continuous prayers.
Muhammad Sadiq
9 August 1918
“For around two months, tabligh efforts were ongoing with an individual in this small town. In addition to discussions, he also studied a few pamphlets and The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam. Thus, all praise be to Allah that he has finally accepted the truth and the Bai‘at form has been dispatched to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, via Mufti Sahib. He has been a member of the Salvation Army for some time. For this reason, it is hoped that he will inform others about this new knowledge of his. He also promises this. His name is Mr Gikaldar and was given the Islamic name Abdul Ghani.”
An address in Jhelum
Anjuman Ahmadiyya Jhelum have negated the many suspicions and misunderstandings which Pir Jamaat Ali Sahib and Muhammad Azam Ghakri had spread regarding the Promised Messiahas in this city in their three gatherings. Maulana Ghulam Rasul Rajeki Sahib Fazil, Maulvi Muhammad Ibrahim Baqapuri Sahib and Maulvi Ghulam Rasul Wazirabadi Sahib delivered addresses.
The attendees of the gathering who had heard the lectures of the opponents would laud the Ahmadi missionaries and express indignation towards the non-Ahmadi speakers.
Tabligh in Bengal
Respected Maulana Abdul Wahid Sahib, Ahmadi missionary, writes:
“Much suffering is occurring here because of torrential rain, but people devoid of insight do not take heed from this extraordinary punishment. They do not ponder on:
و ما كنا معذبين حتي نبعث رسولا
[And we never punish until we have sent a Messenger.] They do not become alert and fearful from the verse:
و ما نرسل بالآيات الا تخويفا
[And we send not signs but to warn.] Despite possessing understanding and intelligence, they do not reflect at all. On the contrary, they are observed to be the embodiment of
ثم قست قلوبکم
(Translated by Al Hakam)