Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira (1875-1957)

Impact of the lecture
The impact of the lecture [at Universal Church, Portsmouth, mentioned in the 4 October 2024 issue of Al Hakam] became manifest when, after delivering the lecture, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra] retired to a room, which quickly filled with Englishmen, while a large crowd of women also gathered outside. Since they had been informed that neither Huzoor[ra] nor his companions shake hands with women, they expressed their respect by bowing slightly and then stepping back. Their faces radiated delight and contentment. After the lecture, everyone returned to the hotel, where all the friends, along with Mr Abbott and the new converts, dined together.
Speeches by Mr Abbott and Chaudhry Zafrullah Khan
After the dinner, Mr Abbott immediately rose and delivered a brief yet impassioned speech. It appears to be a common practice in England that after such gatherings, short speeches are exchanged after the meal. In a few words, Mr Abbott expressed his joy at the rare and precious opportunity of having Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] among them, and for being graced with his lecture, A Message from Heaven. He expressed his sincere hopes for the success of the noble mission Huzoor[ra] had undertaken.
Chaudhry Zafrullah Khan[ra], whom God had graciously made the Khalifa’s spokesperson—a prestige and distinction often bestowed upon him to fulfil significant duties of interpretation, thus blessing him with the honour [of being recognised] as the Lisan-e-Khilafat [Voice of the Khalifat]—then rose to speak. Without hesitation or delay, he delivered the following speech:
“On behalf of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] and his companions, I extend my heartfelt thanks to Mr Abbott and the new converts present on this occasion. Indeed, you are all very fortunate to have been granted this opportunity. It is a rare occasion, one that might not arise even if you or Huzoor[ra] himself desired it, given that the Khalifa’s commitments with the centre (markaz) are so immense that they do not permit him to undertake such distant journeys frequently. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s[ra] time is devoted to the educational, spiritual, and organisational needs of the Community, which is an extensive responsibility requiring constant oversight and guidance.
“You can understand that a person tasked with the spiritual guidance of nearly one million followers spread across different parts of the world has little time to spare. Therefore, this visit is a unique opportunity, and those of you fortunate enough to be in the Khalifa’s presence are truly blessed. Your descendants will forever take pride in this good fortune. This is a privilege that is not granted to everyone, and thus, you are indeed very fortunate.
“Your expression of gratitude for this blessing is not merely verbal but genuine and historic. It is now your duty to convey what you have learned from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s[ra] to others. For the one who receives and does not share closes the door to receiving more. Hence, share what you have learned, so that you may continue to be blessed. Do not be like the miser who hoards and does not spend, even depriving himself of the benefits.
“Be like the fountain that gushes forth, quenching others and spreading fortune. If you block it, no more water will come forth, but if it continues to flow, more water will rush in. This is the divine law regarding heavenly knowledge and wisdom: share it, and you will be blessed with more. Therefore, the blessings you have gained from being in the company of His Holiness, and the message you have heard from his lips, must be passed on to others. Distribute these blessings among others so that you may receive even greater blessings in return.”
Following Chaudhry Sahib’s[ra] speech, Mr Abbott once again stood up and said, “Your Holiness, I would like to express my gratitude once more for the blessings we have received today through you.”
Discussion with new converts
After dinner and the exchange of speeches, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s[ra] entered the drawing room, accompanied by new convert men and women, along with his companions. There, Huzoor[ra] engaged in discussions with the men regarding various matters related to the propagation of the Jamaat and the spread of the message of Islam. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’s[ra] then addressed the newly converted women as follows:
“The greatest challenge to the spread of Islam here in Europe is women. Often, when men hear the arguments in favour of Islam’s truth, they begin to accept them. However, women stand in their way, citing false and erroneous beliefs that Islam deprives women of their rights. In reality, no religion in the world has granted women the rights that Islam has. Therefore, if you, who have accepted Islam, take a greater interest in spreading its message, this task can be accomplished more easily. Newly converted women should engage in the spread of Islam and inform other women that Islam does not diminish their rights, but rather upholds them. Women should tell men, ‘We have studied Islam, understood its truth, and believe that it is the only religion that leads to salvation.’ This approach would be more effective.
“You can only carry out this task if you learn [more] about Islam. I have had several books printed, and the work of compiling more books has begun. In the future, more books will be published in this series, including a translation of the Holy Quran. For now, I will send you the books that have been printed; read them thoroughly and understand them. I hope that when our sisters read these books, not only will their belief in the truth of Islam be further strengthened, but they will also be able to present its teachings to others and refute the arguments of its opponents. I hope that our sisters will preach Islam with vigour after reading these books.
Transform yourself
“Another important point to consider is that if a person does not bring about a pure transformation within themselves after changing their religion, then accepting that religion is merely lip service. This transformation requires an understanding of the truth of the religion one has accepted. Therefore, our sisters and brothers must understand the essence of religion so that they may attain the true light that leads a person towards God Almighty and brings them closer to Him. This true light cannot be attained without action. Hence, strive to act, so that you may acquire that light which will free you from all forms of darkness.
“You must, therefore, bring about a pure transformation within yourselves, which can only be achieved through action. After all, you are aware that the rules and etiquette of society must be observed, and you consider it so essential that you cannot step out of the house, either inside or outside, without adhering to them. If a doctor advises against consuming a particular food, you immediately stop eating it.
“Likewise, if you believe that religion is from God, you will not benefit from it unless you follow its teachings. And not only will you not benefit, but you will also become an obstacle for others. They will say, ‘If this person has not undergone any transformation or does not practice the teachings, why should we adopt this faith? If it were true, why would this person not follow it?’ Thus, when a person understands the truth of a religion, they must act upon it, for without action, the truth cannot be established. This is what I want to convey to my brothers and sisters: Do not remain negligent in this regard.
Shortcomings and rectification
“I admit that we too are responsible for not providing sufficient literature. However, we have now prepared books; read them, act upon them, and disseminate them. We have fulfilled our responsibility to a certain extent; now it is your duty to first acquire knowledge and then act upon it and spread it to others.
Propagating Islam is everyone’s duty
“It is the duty of every member of the Jamaat to become a missionary. The whole world is against us, and it is our responsibility to make them aware of the truth. However, this task cannot be successfully accomplished solely through salaried missionaries. Our resources are not extensive enough to spend such amounts of money, nor can we provide enough personnel. If we were to rely solely on salaried missionaries, we would have to wait for thousands of years. But this is a misconception. The truth has come, and it is our duty to inform the world of it. Therefore, it is the responsibility of every member to propagate it. It is a blessing from God that our members are found all over the world. The missionaries’ role is only to provide edification; propagation is the duty of the members. I do not just believe but am certain that if we all make efforts in this country, success will come soon, God willing.
Hardships are necessary
“I understand that hardships will come in this path, but when a person has faith in God and is sincerely dedicated to the truth, they even find delight in these hardships. I have seen the catacombs in Rome, which were dug deep underground, extending as far as 200 feet. In the early days, the Romans persecuted the Christians, who fled to live there due to the oppression. Sometimes they stayed for months, yet these hardships never weakened their resolve, nor did they stop their preaching. In the end, God granted them success. If you seriously engage in the propagation of Islam, opposition will surely come, but remember that the greater the opposition, the greater the progress, and it will draw people’s attention. This is the only way Islam can spread.
“We cannot all be here; it is the duty of our English brothers and sisters to undertake this divine task, undeterred by opposition. Only then will they witness God’s support and assistance. We have faced great opposition there [in the East], and continue to do so, yet our numbers have grown because of it. Although we do not expect the same level of opposition here, as the government is civilised, once people begin to accept Islam, opposition will arise.
“In India, the opposition went as far as exhuming the body of an Ahmadi woman from her grave and throwing it before dogs in Bihar. Such opposition has only strengthened the faith of our Jamaat and attracted the attention of noble and fair-minded individuals. In Afghanistan, three men were executed by the government and ten others were martyred by local people. Their villages were burned, yet these incidents did not stop the Community from growing. Now, there are nearly 50,000 members there. I hope my brothers and sisters will make efforts to spread Islam, at least as much as people are striving in India.
Arrangements for edification
“I have decided that a missionary will come [here in Portsmouth] for at least one week each month, and gradually, as the Community grows, we will establish a permanent presence so that they can oversee the education and training of the Jamaat. Until then, you must continue the work [of tabligh]. May God assist you.”
After listening to this speech, a newly converted woman remarked, “This is exactly what we desire.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] then continued to speak on various aspects related to opposition, explaining that opposition will increase as acceptance of the message grows, but one should not be discouraged by it. Consistency and steadfastness bring great blessings. He also recounted the events in Kabul, mentioning how the late martyr Nematullahrh steadfastly sacrificed his life for the propagation of Islam Ahmadiyyat and spread its message. Huzoor[ra] also spoke about the hardships imposed by the government, despite promises of non-interference and freedom.
Since the night had progressed considerably, and the hotel staff had grown anxious as the tram service had stopped, Huzoor[ra] dismissed the gathering and bid farewell to the friends.
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 16 October 1924 issue of Al Fazl)